General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling

Morphling in General Discussion

    With the International Battle Pass around, I figure it's as good a time as any to learn new heroes. There is one quest I'm stuck on, however: "Can't Escape the Noose", dealing up to 5000 damage to ethereal heroes. As much as I wanna go back to my Pugna ways, there's very little opportunity to play him well in pubs. So....

    Morphling it is as my next best option. Problem is... I have never played this hero before in my life.

    How do I become a successful Morphling player?


      just do it with ethereal tinker


        I've done that vs Necro with centaur...necro used 2nd spell i use mine :)


          That's like 5 casts of the combo. Shouldn't be hard to do it in a few games.
          Though, I'm no Morphling expert. Kappa.


            if you are bad at farming, have low sense about the map, then you should never pick that hero.


              He's petty terrible right now.
              Just play tinker

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Eblade sk is my favourite shit ever... its not even a meme build I do it all the time against stuff like dusa and troll....youd have to be ahead tho

                meteor hammer

                  eb is awful on tinker though guys come on


                    Eblade viel aghs on husk
                    Edit: 1 shot

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.

                      1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                      2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                      3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                      4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                      5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                      6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                      7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                      8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                      9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                      10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        u play stun morf


                          in my bracket, Morph has never ever been scary. I tried so hard to learn to play with him but he just dies too easily. and jesus the lack of Mana. it only works well if you can free farm in lane, in which case I'd rather just get AM or Naga.

                          Dr. Phi

                            OK Guys.

                            I am Party-MMR-Ranked ~1800 (55% Winrate, so im still climbing, started to dota last year) but my Morphling is my strongest hero with almost 70% winrate.

                            Morphling is a super-high-impact hero with the right items. So item timing is absolutely crucial. much of what Anomalina said is very true, especially the part about the hero being worth learning.
                            You may ofc. check out my Profile about general item building, ill just give the short shot here:

                            About the lane:

                            You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                            you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                            just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                            Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                            if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).


                            Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                            the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.

                            Mid Game, Late Game
                            As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.

                            If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                            Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.

                            There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              I'm honestly tempted to learn morph

                              Dr. Phi

                                Do it. If you learn to play him you will suffer BADLY, you will hate every second of the game until late. your team will hate you for being useless, you will have 0 impact and loose the game early or late. Until this one game ( ) where you "get it".

                                From there on, you become an impossible-to-kill-in-any-draft Monster. Click or shoot enemys down, stun them forever, melt barracks down... Those enemies will from there on fear those 5% games, where Morphling is picked then...

                                To help you... get a premade support in safelane. Dont go middle, you need help and farm priority.

                                and if you rape them, dont forget to write something like "be water my friend" or "dont make such a big wave about it" or simply "H²Owned"

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Dr. Phi

                                  omg... forgot the casual raindrop. So cost efficient and brilliant as an item for magically-kitable mana-hungry morph


                                    I'm certain this hero is unplayable if you are bad at dota.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.

                                      1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                      2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                      3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                      4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                      5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                      6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                      7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                      8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                      9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                      10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        OK Guys.

                                        I am Party-MMR-Ranked ~1800 (55% Winrate, so im still climbing, started to dota last year) but my Morphling is my strongest hero with almost 70% winrate.

                                        Morphling is a super-high-impact hero with the right items. So item timing is absolutely crucial. much of what Anomalina said is very true, especially the part about the hero being worth learning.
                                        You may ofc. check out my Profile about general item building, ill just give the short shot here:

                                        About the lane:

                                        You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                        you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                        just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                        Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                        if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).


                                        Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                        the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.

                                        Mid Game, Late Game
                                        As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.

                                        If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                        Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.

                                        There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)


                                          thanks @tenacity for your guides

                                          Dr. Phi

                                            well.... i feel a little sad now, apart of being proud to be worthy the repost alongside Anomalina. :'( :D

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              I think some people would rather shitpost and mock others rather than actually refute someone who they think might be wrong, misguided or too amateurish for their taste. The higher you go up in MMR, the bigger the assholes you meet. Just a sense of godliness, assuming no one will understand the level at which they operate. Nothing noteworthy or factual to back up anything, coz you don't lose if you don't contest, do you? Keep mocking.

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                anyways morph is bad in the meta

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  shove lanes into towers and force enemy heroes to react to u, then replicate away and push another lane

                                                  repeat this until u have enough items to oneshot supports then continue doing this but also oneshot supports

                                                  if u get far enough ahead you can rosh and 5 man but some games u can win literally wihtout ever having a 5v5 teamfight just smacking buildings and dodging large fights


                                                    Use meepo

                                                    Dr. Phi

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy, yeah, i guess, but still.. it all boils down to how well you know and utilize the skill set of the hero and how well they let you perform by their play and skillset. although he lacks cheab natural farming speed, morphling is a scary monster with the right items. I guess i could have harder enemys but my solo rank (mostly morphling plays) is seeming to go aroung 2.5k and i still think, if you are carefully aware of the weaknesses especially with enemies itemization, morphling is more than capable of adapting... i mean... in the end, he is water :D


                                                        Treads is a must every game. You morph to 500 hp not 440. Rushing pike is viable if you have no use of linkens. And of course morph is pretty shit on high level mmr today.


                                                          ^dont listen to this 1 hero pool noob


                                                            Countering morph can be easy though


                                                              Too many walls of text!!!


                                                                Pretty sure the build is aquila->roh-treads->peseverance->lance->finish linken/rush eblade

                                                                Dr. Phi

                                                                  pretty sure, everyone who writes a hero is trash or gives an exact skillbuild or itembuild lacks the knowledge about every game being different from another and is lacking adaptive skills. i just gave that information for basic understanding and a glimpse of when to do what and how to understand this very adaptive hero.
                                                                  He is defenitely fun to play and worth learning, imO.
                                                                  But I still have to admit: what do i know, im not amoung the top 50% dota-players yet. I believe he is very much underrated and definitly a pub-stomper in low mmr games and thus suits the etheral mission in question very well.


                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.

                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.
                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.
                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.
                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.
                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    Morphing is a hero worth learning, though mind you, it's one of more complicated heroes and requires more key pressing than you might imagine.
                                                                    1. The important thing to keep in mind is that this hero is very weak in the laning stage and ideally needs an uncontested lane to farm properly. However, if you are contested you need to trilane, especially if it's a dual enemy offlane, with atleast one of your supports providing you with constant sustain.
                                                                    2. You start out by levelling morph, and morphing to agi gain until you have around 440 HP. If you are bad at aggro, dealing with harass or against a super annoying lane (eg. Viper/Skyrath/Silencer) then go for a bit more HP, but you will suffer in last hitting.
                                                                    3. DO NOT start with wraith band and tangoes. That's a terrible starting item choice for most carries. Go 2 sets of tangoes (unless you have good sustain support) and 4 branches and a circlet.
                                                                    4. NEVER build Eblade first item on the hero. It is terrible. The basic purpose for building Eblade, is because your W deals damage based on how much you have morphed to agi, and that depends on your total stats. If you have no stat items, this deals very little damage. You build eblade because it does the same thing, deals damage based on your primary attribute. Normally you got Linkens as your first item, for most targeted stuns and disables, but against other lineups, Manta is also a good choice.
                                                                    5. Don't build power treads or dragon lance, at least until you're really good at the hero. These items are meant for fighting, something the hero is not good at early on. I have experienced a lot more success with BOTs and the stats agree.
                                                                    6. Till level 8, you go 4-0-4 then get a level in your ult. You do not use that to fight unless you are stomping and can really use that beneficially early on (on heroes such as AntiMage). Otherwise you just use it to split push, which is why you build BOTs. Another reason for that is to increase his abysmal base MS. This makes Yasha and Skadi really synergize with the abilities of the hero.
                                                                    7. For this reason, the draft has to work around the hero. You need your mid to be more aggressive on the map and fight while you split push and farm till you are comfortable to fight. Of course, this does not mean you don't participate in kills at all. If you see a low risk pickoff potential, go for it.
                                                                    8. The biggest mistake people make with the morph ability, is to morph full strength immediately when ganked. Remember, you can morph through chrono, duel or any hard disables as long as you are not silenced or hexed. Just remember to morph to strength in short bursts, just enough to keep you alive, but still have a good amount of agi and damage.
                                                                    9. As for the quest, it's simple. You eblade and W them. Nothing really complicated. You can be an asshole, have a replicate backed off far away dive into the enemy with waveform and 2 shot supports then jump back to your replicate. Rinse and repeat.
                                                                    10. Also, always get the mana talent at level 10. It's what the hero lacks early on and what is invaluable to him.
                                                                    You need a babysitter. most of the time it is my girlfriend playing Crystal Maiden. The aura is gold, she has a root and great zoning potential. Play as aggressive as you can, tangos are great for you but 4 might be enough, you can rebuy them, so start of with slippers, ring of protection, and a circlet and finish Aquila ASAP, it gives you base Mana regen (not percentage wise) wich you badly need.
                                                                    you skill the abilitys waveform and morph until you reach level six, bearing in mind, that its situational what you need. morphling is a weak laner but the waveform is a great nuking tool, so punish aggressive lanes. Important is, that waveform renders you invincible (in fact, you are not on the map, while waving, still being able to attack) so you can dodge stuns with a long attack animation or disjoint projectiles with it. (centaur, ck, venge) Make sure, not to use it as escape only. sometimes, counterattacking is absolutely fine, with the mana for 2x waveform. At lvl 6 you may take he replicate, if you need more regen without regen items (i like to buy brown boots and Dragon Lance before Perserverance, for the Agility and HP-boost to go full-agi while farming, denying the offlaner everything, even under his own tower). replicate allows you to buy a tp, go back and come back in lane with full hp. usually you dont need a support with you all the time, now.
                                                                    just take your time, have a few bad games, to learn, how much you can stand to get a kill. Always bear in mind, that you cannot lasthit with too much strength morphed. you are almost useless then (in earlygame).
                                                                    Great emphasis on last hitting. learn it the hard way. play botgames with mediom or hard bots, the first twelve minutes over and over, until you can get a minute 10-12 dl. (if you buy that in a real game is up to you. its just about getting a feel for item timings.) First item for me is always the linkens. it gives you insane mana regen and enables you to teamfight.
                                                                    if you are laning against axe , PA, WK, SB, drow remember, that replicates inherit their passive abilities, thus giving them some fighting utility for extremely low mana cost too. (wk lifesteal and crit is funny :D).
                                                                    Until now i only count one real hero counter for morphling, wich is OD. just dont play him against OD. If you want to know why, have a try :D
                                                                    the other counters are outplayable. A few heroes worth to mention are pugna, DP, lion and Skywraith. Even drow is considered a counter. generally morphling is weak against Silences and hexes and Magic damage. Special mention goes to Silencer. He should have around 0 kill potential against your lane, BUT. Beware to die around him. Your intelligence gain is brutally low and you should keep all the int you have.
                                                                    Mid Game, Late Game
                                                                    As for later, you can Itemize against almost everything. BKB against Magic damage, usually a manta will be enough though. in most Games, you will want to bould an E-blade becaue of the burst damage. You dont necesarrily need to one-shot supports, because dragging that LC to 40% HP rendering her unable to attack is worth a lot more, sometimes. or picking off the zeus early, scaring him to stay in the fight. Or taking out the hero, that really is a threat to you.
                                                                    If you play againt better enemy teams, the will propably itemize correctly, wich is linkens sphere or BKB or both. Have someone pop their linkens. your replicate is worth too much to use it for such a purpose usually. BKB is a item, that counters the "shotgun morphling". The shotgun is a build wich is usually played if the hero is ahaed in farm and lets him build up the lead and expand money and items. So in Later stages i wouldd recommend having the mandatory manta for those annoying little silences and a Skadi. Skadis effect pierces BKB and just gives you insanely decent Stats for the hero. With the slow you just melt heroes down. Morphlings Shotgun is great but he really loves to right-click things. other item choices, i found valuable are butterfly and hurricane pike (butterfly against lifesteal-heroes that tend to be bad if missing attacks like troll, PA, lifestealer), hurricane pike to get away from where you dont want to be (rikis smoke eg.) Last point to make: in almost any situations u might find yourself morphing strength to survive those Blade-Mailers like axe, while clicking them down. if you can play around this, dont waste a slot that couldd be more agi (butterfly, skadi) but if you cant, remember, that you have a very hight physical damage output whilst having very hight armor. Satanic is a very good item for a right-clicker morphling that misses sustain while rightclicking.
                                                                    Boots of travel are mandatory ofc. treads are fine, but treads are really best, if skipped. Item Timing is crucial.
                                                                    There is SO MUCH MORE to say about morph and i would like to tell, but for that you might want to add me on steam or write a private message, ofc. I'd love to help, since i love to know how to play him right. :)

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    Dr. Phi

                                                                      what the hell is wrong with people?

                                                                      and btw, treads got a 40% winrate and travels got 60%
                                                                      the early stats of treads are just barely worth, delaying the important items, as i stated with the "item timing" in my original post.
                                                                      plus the BoTs give you insane global presence with proper replicate usage. as well as the do give you the chance to push extended and even push on after devastating teamfighting, because you can easily regen with a tp-to-base-replicate-back just like with embers remnants (early travels are mandatory on ember too as far as i know)

                                                                      As for the current early team fight heavy meta, linkens and ofc hurricane pike,( wich is a progression of DL, has proper stats and gives you desperatly needed mobility) are both items wich enable you to fight early on, as i also wrote in my post. i think the morphling has been forgotten lately and everything people think of seems to be the shotgun morph, though he excels so much better as a potent right-click damage dealer with skadi, e-blade, manta and butterfly. and these builds are easy to transition into, while the game is going this way or that way. every hero is outplayable but i guess every hero is played differently by every player and to say a hero is shit is just a short shot, especially if thiss is a hero that can get as much HP as a CK, has insane single target stun uptime, can splitpush just like a naga or teamfight just like a troll or nuke like... idk.

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        Treads is good. It's just won Morphling games usually end with BoT in their slots.
                                                                        Treads is all about tread switching for the mana sustain, when switched to Agi, your raw mana regen from Aquila and Raindrops are more worthwhile.

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          and btw, treads got a 40% winrate and travels got 60%

                                                                          big retard


                                                                            only rush linken if you can get it at latest 16 mins or else just go for the classic manta skadi




                                                                                If you don't purchase a linkens first item you are probably playing the hero incorrectly.

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  man stop writing pls ure a moron

                                                                                  Kenny Dope

                                                                                    @op out of topic but
                                                                                    I did that quest by picking zeus after enemy pick necro, then just spam skill to him after he click 2nd (i cant play morph too so that was the best option for me imo)


                                                                                      i recommend all normal skill folks to avoid this hero

                                                                                      Dr. Phi

                                                                                        I agree with Clay a lot, because the flat regen items (raindrops/aquila) are just not much mana. the terrible int-gain nerf made linkens a mandatory item, i think. not as much because of the active but because of the stats combined with the regen. Alternatives to that are just not viable. no stats on orchid, no stats on euls, no stats on aether lens (at least not the important stats) wich leaves you a vulnerable carry. linkens does much for your farming

                                                                                        Treads or BoTs is dependant i guess. Still, the morphling desperately needs farm and regen. So split pushing with bots while staying full mana/hp should be crucial in this teamfight-heavy meta. treads give you just not as many stats as necessary for almost 1k gold, while BoTs are a slot-item, drastically improve your MS and chasing potential and give you global presence for effective splitpushing and farming difficult areas of the map, what a carry should btw always should do, if he has the escape, to help his non-escape-teammates keep up and relevant. So item-dependant morphling with such expensive flash farming tools and crucial timings to get online the earliest possible should really not waste the ~1k gold for treads.

                                                                                        You might consider me an idiot, because of my mmr or because i take the dotabuff-stats into account on this one and thats totally fine with me, but in this thread you should criticize me with arguments, not only opinions.