General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker

Tinker in General Discussion

    What is tinker best build?
    Aether lens core item?
    Bloodstone core / situational?
    Shiva&bkb good on tinker?
    Health/magic amp talent?

    What is your favourite tinker build , thoughts?

    Giff me Wingman

      1.) There is no best build, situational everytime.
      2.) Pretty much
      3.) Bloodstone is one of the last items and is also pretty much core
      4.) situational
      5.) situational
      6.) situational
      7.) Amp always better, if u get caught mid/lategame u're dead, no matter ur healthpool.

      Love the aghs build tbh, but it's only good against massive rightclickers or illu based heroes.

      Potato Marshal

        His talents are pretty one sided, everybody goes for the offensive ones since you're pretty much dead as Tinker once you're caught out.


          +what about soul ring after bloodstone?

          Giff me Wingman

            you don't ever rush bloodstone, it's bad. You can get it as 5th or 6th item.


              I think you can get 440 if you want to kill everyone since you can pretty much oneshot everyone if I'm not wrong. Bloodstone is pretty much when you are 6 slotted if I'm not wrong. I prefer ppl going eblade or dagon over shiva or bkb.


                1. Aether lens: I feel like this item is worse now than before, specially because you got it on the hero for the spell amp (which was nerfed), not the range (which was buffed). Unless in a situation where the enemy team has good catch and you just want to spam your rockets and march from far off.
                2. Bloodstone: I think this item is definitely core. The purpose for it is to make you more active on the map without having to keep returning to base after using 2 marches in a lane. Also, its the perfect item for the hero, just like for Storm, who snowballs with high magical burst damage and needs the 2 most important things the item gives besides mana regen: the ability to suicide when caught out, and the shorter respawn time when you're way ahead of everyone else in levels.
                3. Aghs for more right click heroes or to synergize with other heroes on the team like Phoenix. I personally don't like Dagon on this hero at all, prefer Sheepstick, Shivas or Eblade, but for those heroes that really need to be burst down and you have enough lockdown on your team, its fine.
                4. 4-4-0: for those enemies who don't have the sense to build pipe/hook or even carry raindrops, 4-2-2: for high magic resistance heroes and for when you don't want to be constantly fighting but split pushing as well, 2-2-4: personally my favourite but only in higher MMRs where the draft is around Tinker to farm his items and the other 4 to be aggressive on the map, in case the position 1 is greedy and farm-dependant go the other two.
                5. Shiva and BKB both are really good but rarely seen. Just because BKB cannot be rearmed doesn't mean it shouldn't be built. You should be useful when the enemy Silencer uses Global and shouldn't rely just on a replaceable Eul's as a means to escape. In fact, with BKB and Aghs Laser, you can be almost invulnerable.
                6. Spell amp talent is really small (4%) but given the number of spells Tinker uses, it is justified. I see no reason to get health talent unless you really get caught out every fight, then you go armour, health and magic resistance, which I have never really seen. Plus, if you see the potential to end the game early, Aether can fit in here and give 6+4=10% amp.
                7. Don't ask me, I'm terrible at the hero (sub 40% winrate)

                In fact, why even ask this, seriously? You're spamming Tinker these days and wrecking every game. Just play kid.


                  Manta > bkb for defensive purposes I think


                    "Aether lens: I feel like this item is worse now than before, specially because you got it on the hero for the spell amp (which was nerfed), not the range (which was buffed). Unless in a situation where the enemy team has good catch and you just want to spam your rockets and march from far off. "
                    AFAIK lens doesnt do anything about the range of rockets and march and that's not why you make lens anyway
                    also i never see 4-2-2,people only take 2 in lasers and max march


                      Anal boi you crazy man? Aether is to land multiple lazer. Bloodstone is not worth it with the prize when you can get another useful item.
                      Dagon is extremely useful in terms of damage and shit. Sometimes you might prefer getting dagon over sheepstick because why disable when you can kill them in one shot?
                      Now i get it always go for 224 you have enough killing power and when the skill point arrive you will also get your bot in the same time as the level.
                      Bonus: i saw a booster tinker player(i think ruski guy) going for really really fast dagon(i think before 20min) and then goes for veil and started killing evryone that comes to lane


                        specially because you got it on the hero for the spell amp (which was nerfed), not the range (which was buffed)

                        i didnt bother to read rest of ur essay
                        are you a legitimate retard?


                          So i also had need some confirmation. You basically can take down any tower you want with 224 build because if the enemy walks in they will die.


                            Lvl 2 laser and u get lvl 2 rocket if u can get a kill with it. Then u max march.
                            Buy soul ring and farm woods. Both secret shop jungles u can farm 3 camps at the same time. Never miss lane farm though. Then u get travels blink aether and bloodstone. If u are not being fucked with, u should have over 200 cs at 20 min and bloodstone + soul ring at 23 min. That's when ure having a really good game. Then if u dont need ghost scepter u buy dagon and max it. Against storm u can get hex. Against illusion heroes like pl or terrorblade (NOT NAGA AS DAGON 1 SHOTS ALL THE ILLUSIONS AND THEY ARENT GROUPED UP). So u get aghs after aether lens.


                              Lotus can be good against silences


                                But as a tinker u should really farm a lot and usually going aghs or dagon before bloodstone is only better if there is no way u have better late game.


                                  @inx4c isnt it dangerous if i rush bloodstone after travel since if you die your bloodstone gonna become 1 charge real fast


                                    1. Aether lens: I feel like this item is worse now than before, specially because you got it on the hero for the spell amp (which was nerfed), not the range (which was buffed). Unless in a situation where the enemy team has good catch and you just want to spam your rockets and march from far off.
                                    2. Bloodstone: I think this item is definitely core. The purpose for it is to make you more active on the map without having to keep returning to base after using 2 marches in a lane. Also, its the perfect item for the hero, just like for Storm, who snowballs with high magical burst damage and needs the 2 most important things the item gives besides mana regen: the ability to suicide when caught out, and the shorter respawn time when you're way ahead of everyone else in levels.
                                    3. Aghs for more right click heroes or to synergize with other heroes on the team like Phoenix. I personally don't like Dagon on this hero at all, prefer Sheepstick, Shivas or Eblade, but for those heroes that really need to be burst down and you have enough lockdown on your team, its fine.
                                    4. 4-4-0: for those enemies who don't have the sense to build pipe/hook or even carry raindrops, 4-2-2: for high magic resistance heroes and for when you don't want to be constantly fighting but split pushing as well, 2-2-4: personally my favourite but only in higher MMRs where the draft is around Tinker to farm his items and the other 4 to be aggressive on the map, in case the position 1 is greedy and farm-dependant go the other two.
                                    5. Shiva and BKB both are really good but rarely seen. Just because BKB cannot be rearmed doesn't mean it shouldn't be built. You should be useful when the enemy Silencer uses Global and shouldn't rely just on a replaceable Eul's as a means to escape. In fact, with BKB and Aghs Laser, you can be almost invulnerable.
                                    6. Spell amp talent is really small (4%) but given the number of spells Tinker uses, it is justified. I see no reason to get health talent unless you really get caught out every fight, then you go armour, health and magic resistance, which I have never really seen. Plus, if you see the potential to end the game early, Aether can fit in here and give 6+4=10% amp.
                                    7. Don't ask me, I'm terrible at the hero (sub 40% winrate)
                                    In fact, why even ask this, seriously? You're spamming Tinker these days and wrecking every game. Just play kid.

                                    go to , you will fit right in


                                      whats ur average timing on bottle soul ring travels
                                      i always farm so slow with this hero even if i max march i hardly ever get over 50cs/10 mins

                                      maybe im just too fixated on marching waves and tping out?


                                        But i play in normal skill

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Isnt going bottle-soul-BoT-blink-aether or aghs-scythe-dagon the correct order?


                                            Imo aether is really good on tinker since he benefit the +220 range . But when you run out a slot & sell aether it feel like u lack the range to laser from fog :thinking:


                                              I kill aghanim dagon tinker as position 5 support jakiro


                                                If i dont get fucked in mid, 10min bottle soulring travels is easy. Avg is like 11-12 min though

                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  If you go for early bloodstone i warmly advice to get soul ring right after

                                                  Generally i think the best build for him currently is blink-lens-aghs

                                                  Blink allows you to maneuver through fight and push safely lanes with March between trees, also rearm-blink jukes

                                                  Lens allows you to safely dish damage while in trees, rocket range will be enough to spam fsr away and avoid facing heroes completely, allowing you also to apply laser really early

                                                  Aghs makes your missiles deadly, from really far away you can dish tons of damage spamming rearm-rockets for 4 heroes, making overall devastating damage in a team fight and crippling them, if you manage to laser all of them in a teamfight, that blind is going to swing hard the tide

                                                  After that situational, dagon, sheepstick, Shivas, bloodstone, they all great


                                                    Bloodstone after blink aether is only worse than aghs or dagon when enemy has by far superior lategame


                                                      Tinker Dagen is still a thing? I thought BoT, Soul Ring, AGHS, ALens, Hex, Eblade/Shivas, etc. is the goto right now for Tinker.


                                                        Dagon 5 so underrated


                                                          I like to buy dagon only when im stomping

                                                          주 롄양

                                                            Boi 220 range is legit coz most time u gonna laser someone who can kick ur ass fast enuff with rightclick and most of them need to be kited anyway


                                                              Don't bash me, but I feel like I can get away without making soul ring in most games.


                                                                why though,the mana burst is too valuable

                                                                Player 368673122

                                                                  i like to go 3-1-4 , makes farming BoT easier as you're not really aiming for a kill but just constantly spamming it to get easy creeps and they'll send salves which is what 1 rocket is for, simply to disable regen/clarities etc (plus it's enough damage to waste raindrops)

                                                                  ive enforced a rule to myself that if i die at all before BoT, i'll get soul ring as it'd be in quickbuy and i'll purchase it just as i die
                                                                  OR if ive gotten to lvl 6 and am not even close to BoT then i'd get soul ring and start investing in march to catch up on farm

                                                                  ALWAYS, ALWAYS get aether lens after blink unless you're being pressured into defending and desperately need a scepter to sustain the game, i say this because aether lens makes your blinking more unpredictable as the range DOES make a difference when trying to catch a tinker.
                                                                  Also not many people realise this but it improves march farming DRASTICALLY, since it's a cast point spell, the range to cast it also increases with aether - meaning the center of rectangle area it covers can be 220 range further with tinker not being in harms way
                                                                  Combine the blink and march rearming range improvements, you flash farm 10x quicker without having to even move to position yourself. blink march rearm repeat

                                                                  주 롄양

                                                                    @santana u sometimes buy soulring even if u alrd got bloodstone


                                                                      @Santana lmao im sure those games would be even easier with soul ring as it gives u retarded amount of mana


                                                                        Soul ring on tinker is like aghs on invoker h4h4h4h4