General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a coach in SEA

Looking for a coach in SEA in General Discussion

    First, I know i am not good at this game thats why this post even exists. Someone who is higher mmr ( in reasonable numbers) willing to help me get better at this game are very much appreciated. People willing to coach are very much appreciated. Hoping for some good left in this world :P . P.s You don't need to remind me i am a scrub.

    Use chatwhell=mute

      Where are u from. Btw why are u still 2k with 2k matches?


        just spam cm :P trust me it work in this bracket somehow


          crystal maiden is good there bc everyone picks cores with no disables and waste all their mana
          natures prophet is also good in this bracket because u can farm anywhere on the map, no one defends towers in 2k and if they defend u just tp to farm somewhere else.
          lc is good, but don't lane him jungle, if u pick him offlane u can shut down enemys farm, just max q
          as a general rule jungler = autolose

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            because i don't improve thats why If you play in Sea and have time Pls coach me :)


              @CourierFeeder Okay ill take that advice, Indian bhailog are always welcome to coach if you have some free time it will help me a lot . Thanks :D


                I doubt I can teach people much tbh


                  I am looking forward to teach player who are determined. But, what pos are u?


                    @bws you can try most certainly ;)


                      @firsttimedota This post exists because i want to learn and good. I will try my best to meet up your requirements :D, I am position 1 and 2 mostly.

                      Potato Marshal

                        You really need to work on your farming patterns from the look of things. You almost always have under 500 gpm in your matches as pos 1 and 2.


                          @potatomarshal i am trying to improve in every aspect now. But to do more than that i need some serious help :D


                            lesson one. go play support for 20 games.


                              @Jacked i dont play pos 4 and 5 though i have most winrate with supports but most of the time in 2k you have to carry to win mostly, not implying u cant win with supports but just not really my thing. BTW ty for advice