General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA Server is The Worst Server in The Entire World. Period.

SEA Server is The Worst Server in The Entire World. Period. in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    I used to enjoy doing shit like this, now I'm just reminded of the things I could be doing instead of fighting this guy over the internet

    My only passion now is page-stealing

    Potato Marshal

      Echo makes no sense on PA because you already get a ton of bonus attack speed when you blink on someone, the slow isn't really needed either because they'll already be slowed enough from dagger.

      On topic though, SEA has been a bit more bearable for me the past few weeks even though I still see a lot of dumb throws from teammates when we're ahead. But overall my games have been better ever since I started spamming Jakiro like that one who made a thread here a while back who climbed to 6k, and my behavior score capped out at 10k.


        You r the cancer. Period. Worthless piece of shit. Noob 😂😂

        ☩ Vinblastine ☩

          @Jacked , do you even read properly? Can you understand something before replying? Dude, I said 2 times alrdy I bought that Echo Sabre FOR EXTRA STATS AGAINST AXE. If there's no Axe on their team I wouldn't buy Echo. Also boost the chance to crit is actually CORRECT. It gives you +extra hit every few seconds and raw attack speed meaning you'll hit much more meaning the likelihood of the crit going to happen is increased.

          ☩ Vinblastine ☩

            @Potato must be nice meeting you in rmm out there. I'm not a support player so I'm having trouble getting ppl to pick support on my team lol.

            @StrawBerryJAM kappa or no kappa? If no then you're talking about urself lol. Maybe not the "noob" one tho.



                Axe counter helix chance: 20%
                PA crit chance: 15%

                Go on and take a shot with your goddamn echo sabre against blade mail and see who are going to bite the dust first and that's not including your creep nearby that may get called too when Axe press Q yet.

                Edit: Axe is a natural BLADE MAIL carrier just in case you might take a FUCKING HINT.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                all role player

                  umm echo sabre pa for atk speed and extra hit :thinking:
                  basher is better ...


                    Echo Sabre on PA? Dafuq :laugh:


                      This is still ongoing :thinking:

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        I hereby declare this page, the shitposting terminal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                          I read everything. And I still don't understand why u buy echo Sabres on pa. lmao. I Guess I'm a noob