General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did slardar went from offlane to roam?

Why did slardar went from offlane to roam? in General Discussion

    And can u solo offlane with slardar now or is it suboptimal?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Offlane slardar doesnt sound good now

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        I don't think he is a good offlame, he doest have the utilities to contest, he never was a fearsome offlaner

        He migrated to the 5th because of the runbes, he has a really effective roaming kit with spring, and his problems were that he couldn't secure farm for blink without lanbe before

        The bounties were exactly what he needed, secure income he can constantly get, while being effective with his kit anbd roaming around the map


          slidder hidder the snake fish has a good stunning initiation. they can't return back behind the tower because slardar is too fast.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Not to mention with Tranqs and Iron Talon he can jungle better than other roamers like Pudge/Riki, so he has something to fall back on if he's roaming and no one can set up his stuns

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Yea he can get farm from iron taloninbg better than most supports but not enough to be a viable core that can fall from offlane


                he's always a good roamer I remember making a thread about roaming slardar guess what high mmr people said it sucks now they're using it


                  i always find it funny how meta shifts while people have no idea what they're talking about

                  "why don't we see slardar on pos 1 more often?" "because he's too greedy and needs blink to do anything"
                  occassional slardar picks absolutely wrecked people

                  then he was switched on offlane, this was about the time when the vision around amplify and track was removed

                  now he's a roamer for a few patches lmao


                    Versatile hero

                    Lets do Science

                      I mean, I've seen Slardar played as a roamer and have personally played him as a roamer a few times that doesn't mean he was optimal for the role at the time.


                        deso ac carry slardar best slardar

                        Riguma Borusu

                          It seems to be one of those things that was a good idea even before, but people just didn't think it through too much. Slardar has one of the best lvl 1 AoE stuns, has a mobility spell and is tanky unlike some other roamers so he can trade really well.

                          When I proposed that you should max cleave on Sven first one guy flamed, and others were like "yearight I would report you for that", and guess what skill build ended up being the most successful?

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          doc joferlyn simp

                            2/4 of the comments were positive

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I can never tell if SeemsGood is ironic or not, so I am not so sure. But I know people flamed me in games, though I won a lot with it. I thought it was only hatsune miku who supported me :4

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა