General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    I don't know how people still don't know how to play such a simple hero like CK like in my last match. How do people not understand you're suppose to rift first for the -armor? And filling his inventory with cheap items like drums, blink, armlet AND echo. Safelane carries six-slotting themselves with 2k gold items.


      Ok out of armlet drums echo u shud pick 2, blink is fine.
      Thing is drums seems unnecessary.

      Potato Marshal

        You don't fill your slots with 2k items only to sell one right afterwards when you're full. You should only buy 2 of those 4 items, and start working on a heart/ac or whatever.


          Armlet echo blink is cool and good

          Potato Marshal

            When you play like shit, but your team is still stomping it anyways and carry your dumbass 👌


              Blink isn't a regular 2k gold item, cuz it's not one ur gonna sell like the other ones

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                ck is not a fast farmer so its fine. if you buy a heart right after, you will still keep those items for around 10 minutes and the value you get in 10 minutes will be enough. unless your hero is anti-mage, you can buy a bunch of cheap items and its fine honestly.


                  roam ck

                  Potato Marshal

                    Cheap early item games don't matter if you refuse to go for kills. The CK maxed bolt first because he said he needed it for early kills on timber, but then went brown boots into helm of the iron will with 1 point in rift, that he refused to even cast for the minus armor until the last second. Guy was too much of an idiot to know that disables mean nothing if he had no damage.


                      ROAM CK


                        Srry Meka not found

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Congratulations fx for sealing the deal!
                          He guaranteed that I'd never touch dota ever again.


                            ^u say that then end up coming back anyway

                            Potato Marshal

                              Just had the worst game of Dota ever. MK and Timber feeding non-stop right off the bat. Another Timber that doesn't even get timber chain until level 3 and feeds like 3 times against dual breath + jugg spin in lane from the start, then resorts to slowly tanking neutral creeps to get to lvl 3. Like somehow a Timber is blaming me for not abandoning spec and rotating to gank despite the fact that I'm a treant and we were both lvl 2.


                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                Me: "i dont get triggered in dota"



                                  Lol !!! 3d girls

                                  That makes me Lul

                                  Arin hows the games been going brah?


                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Dota needs harsher punishments for disconnecting and abandoning. 2 losses and 1 win today from people disconnecting and never coming back.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      potato marshal?
                                      more like nazi marshal am i right


                                        Hey ARIn! why did sven leave? did he get too triggered to stay or just shitty internet?

                                        Looks like you had a great puck game!

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          you think thats bad, i just spent half an hour connecting to 3 ranked games and them being safe to leave because of people constantly disconnecting and abandoning


                                            nah, he just farmed for 30 minutes, then died in some teamfight and went to play csgo


                                              you didnt punish the jungle legion
                                              no bkb/linkens on jug vs storm and 3 hex plus bloodthron on their team
                                              both jug and tinker buy back in instantly die again in superbad teamfight/hg defense at 58min, you trade 8 for 2 there


                                                it's going to turn around, r-right?


                                                  im figuring out euls blink sf i think
                                                  in turbo tho

                                                  Manhattan Cafe



                                                      so much for pma.

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        You try to win, then you get retarded teammates like a mid gyro rushing aghs first, or a centaur that goes 1/14 because they think maxing out return first makes them invincible against a tri-lane.

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          Stop playing magic SF in EVERY MATCHES PLS.

                                                          I played huskar and my enemy go magic sf. EVEN THOUGH I WIN I STILL GET TRIGGERED. JUST WHY PEOPLE PLAY MAGIC SF IN ANY SITUATION?


                                                            snowballs easier

                                                            and i'd argue that he farms faster than physical sf so you can just decide to go rightclick items after bkb


                                                              im starting to think that puck is not a gamewinning hero


                                                                btw what's the deal with eblade sf
                                                                it doesnt do fucking anything until you have it like 4th-5th item and it's <25th minute

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  im starting to think that puck is not a gamewinning hero

                                                                  as if he ever was

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    Being matched with divine players who still don't know how Bristleback works. Always get two idiots who think they can whittle him down from full health then get surprised when they both die.


                                                                      Eblade sf sounds fine if the guy has the lvl 20 talent by the time he gets it


                                                                        roll for mid

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          NO NULLIFIER = NO BALLS 😤😤😤😤😤

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            i think that item is so good on arc warden

                                                                            if only they didnt randomly remove his damage talent for no reason


                                                                              i thought that arc is completely useless hero in 7.07 but i was doing decently in both of my latest games (although i got complete freefarm in safelane)

                                                                              maybe i should reconsider //and stop looking at him as a mid hero

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Arc Warden seems fine to me
                                                                                I got carried by an archon arc Warden lmfao

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  I don't know how people who reached divine still can't understand basics like picking proper heroes or item builds. Team with 0 good aoe against a pl, and our void decides to rush a bkb as his first item after MoM. Like 0 planning, you keep telling them we have nothing to clear PL illusions or a way to find the real one, and everybody just builds whatever the fuck they want.

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    stf­u potard mashard



                                                                                      woa ancient 5 infighting


                                                                                        as void vs pl, do you buy mjollnir or would you go bf?


                                                                                          visage is actually such an awful fucking hero

                                                                                          fuck you icefrog


                                                                                            U go bf anyway
                                                                                            U can go mjollnir too lategame