General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to teach a newbie player?

How to teach a newbie player? in General Discussion

    I'm teaching my friend to play dota he wants to play support and good thing I am a support how do I approach a newbie? I'm now teaching him laning he's pos 5 tho I can only teach him basics since I'm not that good either

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Why would you do something like that to a friend? Oh my god, how could you?


        Whut? I think I did nothing wrong he wants to play support and I teach him how to play soooo...

        mr. rabbit

          just dont give a massive amount of info so their brain doesnt get overloaded


            Tell him the basics, i got a friend who plays support but all he do is pushing wave and leech xp, he cant trade hits properly(aggroing creepwave) and that becomes a bad habit


              i will assume that your friend is totally new that he knows nothing about the game

              the objective is to destroy the enemy ancient and so we have to destroy every thing in at least single road(lane) that lead to the ancient and the other guys are trying to stop us so we have to fucking murder them to win

              some heroes need faster levels and some money to fight and can apply a strong pressure so we put them in the central road(mid lane)

              others needs too much money and levels but if played correctly can single handy win the game so we put them in the horizontal lanes since it is the safest

              others needs levels to fight early and disrupt the other team carries so we put them in the vertical lanes

              the Most important and underrated guys the nameless soldiers who needs nothing and give everything to their comrades are the supports AKA the role no body wants to play but all wants their teammates to play AKA die for me please i am selfish , the support is the guys who want to make sure everything is going fine for their other teammates so they buy vision wards to protect their team from ganks and threaten the other team by ganks , they also buy items that will save their teammates sorry asses in fights and/or disable the enemy core heroes
              the rest should be easy to teach if he logically catches the idea behind supporting (don't stay in XP range . don't take the money that your carry try to take , don't buy items over visions , try to check the map every few second and see if you can save a teammate or gank an opponents

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Cheap Laugh Guy means that how can you make a friend play dota, cause won't dota destroy him ?

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Show him Purge's Welcome to Dota you suck guide


                    Dude. Let him study the game on his own. If he really wants to learn, he'll learn it all by himself.


                      Don't let him play, he's already ahead of us


                        You tell him to buy coaching from cookie and do his CS challenges duhh


                          So far I've explained the roles then where they go what's their uses

                          Potato Marshal

                            Just tell him to be like everybody else and just play bot matches till he can beat them on unfair.


                              you can't learn supporting in bot match tho but at least i'll play with him with bots so there's someone he's gonna support too you can say me learning carry too so two birds one stone lol


                                theres really no point teaching a concept like supporting to a brand new player. teach last hitting, how to lane, hero ablilities, items, how to get kills etc.


                                  I'll just let him know about mechanics and roles then let him play 5 or 10 games then i'm gonna watch the replay and point out something cause I know there's no point of teaching someone with so little experience


                                    I probably make him play every role for at least 10 games each


                                      If you plan to party with him frequently idk why you would have him support. I 2-3 stack on the regular. In a group like that you need 1 support player and the other 1 or 2 is core players. I hate stacking with other supports far less successful.


                                        LOL tell your friend to quit while he is still ahead, you want your friend to fall in the abyss of despair that is DOTA 2?

                                        But seriously tho he needs to learn by himself because there are somethings that he'll only understand if he will learn it by himself.


                                          show him good porn


                                            be bossy.


                                              A good support needs to know what the carry wants, I suggest you let him master carry first.

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                just dont give a massive amount of info so their brain doesnt get overloaded


                                                Literally have him use the Learn tab and have him finish that.

                                                Even giving basics will not work.

                                                The only way you can teach someone is once they get an idea of things and actually have questions that need answers.

                                                The Learn tab is actually a nice start for complete newbie players. From there you can get an idea of how much they can/will learn since everyone has a different pace.

                                                So yeah, don't do real games. Do co-op bots. But make sure he uses the Learn tab first.

                                                In order to teach a student, he needs questions for you to answer. Otherwise you are just giving him info that he does not understand and telling him what to do, when again, he probably does not understand why you are telling him these things.

                                                It takes a while to teach someone even the basics.


                                                  So I let him play till calibration I'll really tell him to at least play every hero there is


                                                    if you want to waste your time then you should tell them the basic to support than carry then they'll learn what a carry is if they watch carefully what the carries do if they support and hide from enemies and wards all the time.

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      So I let him play till calibration I'll really tell him to at least play every hero there is

                                                      Yeah, playing each hero once or until you win with that hero is a good way to learn.