General Discussion

General DiscussionAnalysis of my dotabuff/precious matches

Analysis of my dotabuff/precious matches in General Discussion

    I bought this account year ago for 2$ xD
    Mmr was 500 at that time. I bought this account because it was unrestricted + to practice heroes like meepo LD mirana. Anyways long story short. I made it to 1600.
    I gained mmr by playing in dubai sever + sea server. But after new update I m restricted to sea server and I m losing match like hell.
    Like all other low mmr guys I m also gonna say " my team sucks" xD
    I won all the games either on my own or there are 2 sensible guys on my team. If I get 4 half sensible guys then ez gg. I agree with some youtuber like u can't win 100% of your games. I wanna mute everyone but I m afraid that I will lose sensible teammate too.

    I knew about game mechanics like when and where to ward. Agro when to go high ground or for rosh but still things are not going well for me..

    Heroes I can play. (don't see my buff and say u suck on this hero I bought this account with 700+ matches played and I only played mirana meepo invoker OD LD and axe)
    I m also mentioning about that I m not able to play efficiently.
    1) OD the real destroyer in low bracket. Even if I get bad start I can control game with this hero and yes I use ultimate in team fights (+ Point). But you know you can't pick OD all the time.

    2) Meepo - again the real destroyer but guess what whenever you pick meepo in low mmr half of your team think they already lost the game. I mastered this hero with/ without dagger and made different build.

    3) Invoker - I don't like him nor I m miracle type good but still highest winrate. I only pick it when I m not sure what to pick. I can sunstrike and I don't copy YouTube guides (+points hehe)

    4) LD- I learned this hero and started playing range build and got good results but old man is not strong enough so you can't rely on him that much
    In supports - I prefer warlock cm disruptor but you know in low bracket if I cast disruptor ulti my teammates will run away from fear.

    Axe is my favorite hero to play and got featured in dota wtf for flashy plays. But Ursa is signature pick in low tier and I can't axe zzzz

    Sven the hero causing problem for me and I am confused with his item builds. I can farm well but I get kited in teamfight which means Tower gone and no place to farm to get bkb.

    Templar Assa : I m good with this hero till 35 minutes after that super confused with what to do after 35 minutes I push super fast but team becomes dependent on me instead of helping me.

    Antimage - I m not that guy who gets Bf by 30 minutes.. Am is harassed alot in lane but I know how to farm side camps and jungle and when to push lanes and when to rush thrones but first 15 minutes = awful.

    Looking for suggestion and advices. I m very bad player who wants to get gud. Help me with your experience and suggest some heroes.

    What I m good at :
    1) micro (can play meepo Chen LD very well)
    2) I look at minimap every 15 seconds.
    3) I know about buyback status and don't rush for items.
    4) I buy bkb xD (my most preferred item)

    5)I don't go for silly behind enemy towers ganks.

    6) I can play Earth spirit

    7) I play safe during night times xD

    Captain Heri

      Just play good dude and you can overcome it .. Watch Pro league in youtube or , how they play


        I will try my best





            you can play meepo in lower brackets? wow respect


              honestly to play meepo well you need to be really efficient with farming and have good map awareness. its also a good 1 v 9 hero. first picking it teaches you how to deal with hard counters.


                Yeah pay me some more $$ and get this account with all battlepass sets and extra treasures



                  Honestly, I don't give a shit of all the cosmetics you have in that account. What I give a shit tho is the bracket of where that acct is at right now. Rationale: That's the bracket where I can practice heroes that I'm afraid of spamming in low 4k avg games without the fear of losing MMR.