General Discussion

General DiscussionRefresher on Mirana ...

Refresher on Mirana ... in General Discussion
Savvy Cat

    ... Does not refresh Starstorm charge with Aghanim Scepter. I think I shall convert my religion to Cthulhu now.


      because aghs doesn't give charges of starstorm.
      aghs just triggers a starstorm, a charge means that u can cast multiple starstorms manually and each has a separate cd.


        It does give a charge u sub 1k pleb


          A charge is something like shrapnel, u activate it urself and each charge has an independent but identical cd. Mirana aghs starstorm activates a starstorm every 10 or so seconds, but u cant control it and its cd is separate but different from regular starstorm cd. If it is considered a charge its very weird and doesnt follow the regular rules of a charged based ability.

          Savvy Cat

            It calls it a 'charge'. I checked it. And it doesn't refresh it; also something I checked in lobby.



              死の恐怖 Haseo

                I test it in demo . Refresher doesnt refresh starstorm charge


                  Ofc because its not a spell or item, its just this shitty charge, refresher only refreshes spells or items so if the aghs went on CD in your inventory or if u got an extra spell(even a passive like this) when u bought aghs then refresher would work

                  disgusting weebs

                    each charge has an independent but identical cd

                    u dont even know how spells with actual charges work

                    "fuck u for ur mmr dick measuring i wanna participate in discussions and give advice even though i have absolutely zero idea what i'm talking about"


                      also used to only refresh 1 charge on charge based abilities like fire remnant, stone remnant etc. but now u can refresh them. Refresher ember acutally 100% legit lategame

                      死の恐怖 Haseo


                        Savvy Cat

                          Is there any particular reason why Aghanim's doesn't get put on a cool down to turn it into an actual charge based spell? It seems a little redundant that it hasn't been turned into exactly that with the release of 7.06.


                            *refreshes every spell even items you got*


                              who the fuck is buying refresher on mirana anyways.


                                People with too much gold and wants to use dagon or ethereal blade 2 times or their spells.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  the magic burst mirana really isn't that good anymore and the standard core build has shifted to a right clicker, the only time I see refresher being useful is as a support when you want your team to have 30s of invisibility, other than her ult her spells really aren't that useful being refreshed.


                                    Mirana ? Refresher ?



                                      listen dude the whole fucking point of talking here for me at least is learning.
                                      I don't expect to be right even half the time, idek why ur fucking going nuts.
                                      now I know mirana aghs is a charge.
                                      I also know that you feel the need to randomly insult me even tho I never proclaim to be right all the time.


                                        so does refresher earth spirit will gain 6 stones again?