General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh Skill Cap Heroes

High Skill Cap Heroes in General Discussion

    Is it worth it to spend the next 400-500 games spamming (learning) DotA's 5 most difficult heroes?
    I'd say Meepo, Io, Earth Spirit, Chen and Visage.


      only if you hate yourself


        high skill cap only means how versatile the hero can be

        juggernaut has a high skill cap.

        it doesn't mean you'll get mmr out of it

        those heroes have a high skill floor, aka the skill required to learn and master them.

        that being said, just because a hero has high skill floor doesn't mean it'll give mmr.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          io aint that hard though imo. Any hero which needs micromanagement skills is diffucult for me, so I do agree on meepo, visage and chen.

          Story Time

            io is hard only for coordination with your teammates... which is impossible to reach in pubs


              Nah. I'd rather play simple shit like PA and focus on my decision making rather than trying to execute mechanics easier


                Im planning to spam io in solo q tho. If i lost 7/10 games io's ineffective

                Speak English, Pick Stuns

                  A good invoker can carry a lot of games to 6k


                    Practice earth spirit.


                      Especially io, chen, es can make constant playes if you want to be clutch player definitely worth to learn io is most exciting hero to play for me.You not winning your games 1vs9 with these heroes but you melt your team playing real doto, you always have to talk on these heroes, make calls,sometimes you stay in shade couse you do all the hard work ussually no one understand youre supposed to be pos 4.But even in low mmr players will highly awarded it and you will be good spirit of your team getting commends every game.Watch best players on these heroes and try to find your way how to play.
                      I have rly experienced only with io the thing on this hero is a every io spammer playing him way differently, there are wisps from pos 2-5 literally building all the items in doto on this hero is 100% legit if you know what you do in recent scenario.
                      Im operating now with io jungle which is just super interesting thing for me as no one else do that in my brackets, also the reason why i love him and actually every one in my games bro


                        it is true that slark is one of the highest skill cap heroes

                        LETS GO WIN!

                          What cookie said.Get to 4.5k or more then you can try to learn them.


                            yea slark definitely has an insane high skill cap due to all of his abilities allowing him to basically bait out anything if the player is good enough

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              I spam Visage, not because i expect to get MMR or even to win with it, but because it's very fun to play.
                              With Visage the only thing i care to last hit is the enemy hero, i don't even try to kill creeps, i just harass the enemy.
                              No farming is required for Visage because the only thing you need is a Solar Crest and Level 12.

                              2 o % S k i l l - h e r e :*

                                is there something wrong with the skill bracket?

                                Why is this guy keeps getting a high skill . even his bad play
                                My friend's DB profile



                                  ^he played only 4 games.


                                    just because a hero has high skill floor doesn't mean it'll give mmr.

                                    @alice, see this, your brood analysing might be a waste of time

                                    2 o % S k i l l - h e r e :*

                                      @Yukiko . yeah . he's new to dota . but i dont get the point why .. DB gave him HS .. Hahah .. Sorry im just confused ..


                                        juggernaut has a high skill cap.

                                        Hey guys look at me! I'm the pro now


                                          Believe it or not one of the highest skill cap heroes is pudge


                                            play heros you enjoy.

                                            Higher skillcap = more potential to outplay/miss play.

                                            mr. rabbit


                                              i told u im not doing it solely for mmr

                                              also jdf8

                                                it doesnt take anywhere near 400 500 games unless im drastically overestimating how fast people usually learn



                                                  I'd recommend you to play Earth Spirit.

                                                  Flexible. Versatile.

                                                  Not boring considering I've played the hero for ~2000 games


                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    how is earth spirit difficult and also IO


                                                      bro i played 600 games as tinker and i fucking vomit if i play him again plus the hero is very exhsting to play
                                                      tinker is one of hardest heroes there and i had big headaches playing him 7 times a day one period

                                                      from personal experiece i dont recomend


                                                        If you want to spam one hero that has a high skill cap, spam Invoker... highest skill cap in the game hands down and when played well is pretty much always the best hero on a team.

                                                        I tried, played him roughly 100 games and got sick of it.


                                                          Invo has a pretty high skill cap, switch him out for io.
                                                          Earth spirit is hard but not top 5 I don't believe.


                                                            Chen would be the hardest up there in my list

                                                            also jdf8

                                                              idk it took me about 100 games for tinker but i love his playstyle

                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                io is hard only for coordination with your teammates... which is impossible to reach in pubs


                                                                I love the little ball, but teammates are sleepy, or have ADHD.


                                                                  yea slark definitely has an insane high skill cap due to all of his abilities allowing him to basically bait out anything if the player is good enough

                                                                  yeah, no.

                                                                  i recommend playing visage if you have problems with awareness in teamfights and often find yourself not knowing what the hell happened in past 5 seconds