General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is my mmr i got highskill and veryhighskill

What is my mmr i got highskill and veryhighskill in General Discussion

    Guys i got highskill and veryhighskill im worrying about my mmr when i calibrate...what is my possibly mmr?

    Grand Lotus

      4.5K plus i guess


        4k plus? Hahahahaha, nice mate, VHS is 3.7 and above so I'm guessing u would calibrate round 3.6-3.8 ish


          my mmr was 3k, got calibrated at 2965 mmr, lmao. that is ofcourse with 8 wins and 2 loses and 500+ gpm and 600+ xpm per game


            Thanks ponkey i wish thats true hehehe i will do my best to get 4k mmr hehehe


              9K for sure


                over 900000!!!!


                  i predikt you mmr be 3500


                    3500 bois. Max calibration is 3.5K. You have some VHS games which assures you a 3.5K calibration

                    30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                      Buy compedium yoj calibrate 4999. I tried it already


                        3.5 at max. But since you are playing high skill games, you'd calibrate 3-3.2k if all goes well.