General Discussion

General Discussionstrength or agility treads on spectre?

strength or agility treads on spectre? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Some support tried to tell me I was stupid for leaving treads on strength on spectre cus 200 hp dispersion would do more dmg than 10 agility would. I think he's very wrong but what do I know? Dispersion increases your ehp by 28% so it should deal back 28% of your hp or 56 on treads strength. It's aoe so could hit a few people. Maybe 110 dmg done? Vs agility is 10% faster attack and 10 more dmg, and on all my haunt illusions. That seems like a lot more. One hit from haunt would be half the dispersion dmg.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Agility when farming, strength when fighting, if you need to tank damage.


        i mean it depends are you taking damage? because there are plenty of times where you will be attacking someone running away and not taking any damage and now that strength is doing nothing for you.

        Pepper & Salt

          i would usually pick phase boots on spec, due to the need for extra movement speed to chase people down after the haunt.


            It's common sense to set your treads to your hero's main atribute to farm and to str to tank up damage
            Phase boots is better for mobility and fighting while treads is better for farming, you can sustain those dagger throws for camp mobility and tank up more creeps with more EHP and proc more desolate

            Dire Wolf

              not a fan of phase on spec now that illusions get attack speed off treads. With dagger I don't usually have trouble chasing people down anyway.


                I favor phase when I'm against those high ms fuckers or need to dodge something like axe's call, or have little space in general and got forced to come back through sniping down kills

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  phase phase phase phase

                  also for the math u could just do a simple demo math with a hero like troll attacking you and you attacking him at the same time while u count time for 5 secs then stop both heroes (select both and S...) and devide the mising hp of troll by 5 and then multiply it to 100% + 6% x Armor value to get the pure dealt damage with tread only on u and phase only on troll first then both full item
                  do this with max dispersion. once max W once dont get it at all.

                  it would make 4 scenarios and each one that gets 3 at least wins and if it's 2/2 just choose the one that works early game better aka only phase troll tread spectre scenarios.

                  also do it for phase spec just to make sure u r right and pros who build phase arent


                    Arteezy bought treads midas HoTD radi on spec you sure about it? xd


                      he bought bare midas that game and was freefarm if i recall the right game. just gotta check for urself to make sure which one gives more.


                        Phase is almost always better on spec coz it gonna afk frn anuway.u join gank just 2 get kills and phase allows u 2 do so and besides u enter the gank last so I don't know y u need 2 tank


                          Phase is almost always better on spec coz it gonna afk frn anuway.u join gank just 2 get kills and phase allows u 2 do so and besides u enter the gank last so I don't know y u need 2 tank


                            U can swap tread with no manacost or cd. When u take dmg while fighting, u turn it on str


                              Swap to str everytime you're going to take damage and back to agi everytime you swing for rightclick xd


                                I buy phase because of the speed boost, if you are set on buying treads you will need to tread swap, INT when using dagger, AGI when farming creeps or attacking heroes, STR when being attacked.

                                I will admit though I'm inefficient when it comes to tread swapping in team fights sometimes out of fights as well, damn I should work on that...