General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to calibrate higher mmr than your current TI-ranked

How to calibrate higher mmr than your current TI-ranked in General Discussion
in and out

    I already did what i had to but still...

    pls give few tips ty
    (check my recent if there is anything i should adjust) i have 1 game to go to see my result

    თემა შეიცვალა

      nothing if your current is still low your mmr will stay the same , 9 wins 1 lose i own all of my games yet im 3,1 calibrated , I own the games i had crazy stats yet my recalibration is 3,1 its original is 2,7 +400? Lol its a scam int'l ranked mmr

      in and out

        ur avg mmr was? ^


          2,7 start , every game it increases the avg 50 i think then the last 2 games i went 3k average. my orig account has 4,1 and im owning 2kplayers i dont know valve gave me 3,1 still LuL


            well i calibrate 3.4 mmr


              ^ what was your original mmr