General Discussion

General Discussioni think this is how you counter troll

i think this is how you counter troll in General Discussion

    saw BSJ go blademail radiance manta on lifestealer


      dear god, BSJ is a special little flower isnt' he


        Seemed effective


          Wow he went radiance manta on x carry what an innovative meme


            Very few carries go radiance manta


              I fought against a team where a 3 man party went first item aghs on lifestealer (no armlet), radiance on necrophos and went 3 man infest on Riki. They got maybe 1 or 2 kills with that trick. It was one of the easiest wins for me.

              Radiance, manta, blademail on lifestealer actually makes sense, especially against troll. But it depends on several things. He needs a true physical damage dealer on the team as well. Maybe he had a TA. He might also not have had a tanky frontliner which is why this build allows him to soak up damage.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Naga, alch, spectre
                And either way im referring to the retarded meme of building every hero like naga with rad octarine manta


                  Blademail is an interesting situational item
                  Radiance is just unnecessary, u want to kill troll fast with smth like deso, not slowly ticking him down with rad. If u want evasion then solar crest wud be better, even halberd (tho this item is tbh a similar amt of bad as rad).
                  Manta can dispel the blind, but u have rage. Its ok but probably unneeded.


                    I dont think radiance is purchased for the miss chance or the slow tick damage against core enemy heroes. Its a farming and split pushing item. Something lifestealer is very weak at. If he knows the game will go late and there is a 6 slotted troll he will have to fight, might as well get items to speed up farm. Solar crest is not a carry item, its a support item. And yes, I'm sure you've seen some pros do it in pubs. That's because they solo carry their games and don't rely on their team for everyhing. That's why they are at such high MMRs. And Jesus, manta is not to dispel the blind, it can be used for split pushing with radiance but more importantly prevent the troll from focusing you down because that's what he excels at. Maybe they even had a silencer, or treant.

                    I'm gonna need a link to the game on DB to confirm these things.


                      its more of the blademail that makes a difference allowing lifestealer to manfight troll better. radiance is kinda good against troll because he doesnt like to miss. dont think u go halberd against troll. crest maybe.

                      Mid&Feed.mid (muted)

                        Try urn on riki ! Very good