General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u separate spiderlings and spiderites in 2 groups

how do u separate spiderlings and spiderites in 2 groups in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    i dont fucking know whats the diffrence between their models to begin with

    how the fuck do i do this


      Im pretty sure that control groups you make in a lobby carry over to an actual game. So just like demo brood spawn some of both then seperate them manualy and do your control groups. I don't use control groups though so not entirely sure I'm being helpful.


        Control groups. I also have issues regarding micromanagement but I think control groups would do the trick.


          being able to assign different control groups to them is a recent thing coz its not really needed, but if its really important to you for some reason you can do that in a lobby or demo and selecting your spiderlings or spiderites and ctrl + "one of your control group key"

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          mr. rabbit

            i know that u do it with control groups but what im referring to is how do u perfectly separate the spiderlings from the spiderites while still being able to add new spiders to their respective groups?


              like 4 spiders and a spiderite in a single group? thats not a thing and very unnecessary


                i suggest you to watch BipDonGoe on twitch he has like 20k brood games and is boosting accounts with brood, so you can see how unrelevant it is to assign different control groups to them

                mr. rabbit


                  i only need 2 groups

                  group 1 where i get to control 9999 spiderlings

                  and group 2 where i get to control 9999 spiderites

                  being able to control them separately is rly useful yknow, spiderlings can tank and bait a bunch of aoe spells like fissure, crush, etc, then u can just maul them over with ur hero and spiderlings without feeding any gold


                    im pretty sure that they automatically get added into the control group, at least thats the way it seemed to work with meepo clones, not sure if it would work the same way with the spiders. and to seperate them literally just click them one by one and move them to a different spot.


                      so you do it as we said, select all spiderlings and do ctrl + "control group key"
                      and then select all spiderites and do ctrl + "different control group key"

                      mr. rabbit

                        spiderites are the main reason brood feeds a lot of gold

                        why the fuck is that shit a thing in the first place

                        mr. rabbit

                          CLICK THEM ONE BY ONE

                          oh god thats tedious


                            thats why you go into a demo lobby and spawn like three of each.


                              I'm pretty sure new spawns will get automatically added to the control group.


                                spiderites are the main reason brood feeds a lot of gold
                                why the fuck is that shit a thing in the first place

                                yes they give alot more gold than spiderlings but you need them and broodmama is shit without them

                                CLICK THEM ONE BY ONE
                                oh god thats tedious

                                you dont need to click them one by one if you do like we said.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  im talking about first setting up the control group. You have to seperate them so that you can select one group by itself.

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    yeah i get it now, thanks dotabuff

                                    mr. rabbit

                                      any links to bipdongoe stream/dotabuff (or player of the same caliber) would be really appreciated


                                        chi long qua


                                 hes currently boosting a 2k account so you are mostly going to see 15-20 minute games


                                            slam and dunk press tab