General Discussion

General Discussionwhat carry is harder to play catch up on?

what carry is harder to play catch up on? in General Discussion

    Am or Spec?
    Just had a spec game with a lane vs a viper pudge so at 7 min i went to iron talon jungle. felt so much worse to play rather than an am catch up game.
    What do you guys think?


      I'd say Spectre. AM's typical bf can certainly be late, but it's not like one can't go vlads and maelstrom to compensate, although that's pretty rare in of itself. Bottom line is, AM with the right items can farm much quicker than Spectre who has no ability to flash farm and can be pretty damn difficult to catch up on for that sweet sweet Radiance.


        both can fight if necessairy, so neutral


          spectre is defiantly harder to catch up if she will farm , however if she haunt a team fight an KSed few kills she is the queen of comeback


            This is a bit out of the game. Try naga she is easier to play in the losing side.

            yung griphook

              spec mostly because if your team is behind you dont have as many haunt opportunities to get some kills and comeback gold


                ive done similar with am and failed the comeback with both heroes as well.

                i follow Jesus.

                  honestly if id be laning safelane solo against a solo viper i'd just walk down mid and try to get it back next game

                  Shikanoko Noko

                    spectre can make comeback easily by hoping opp make any mistake. anti mage need high impact in late game to make comeback.


                      Spec because what you're catching up with is dogshit expensive (the Relic is 3800 while RoH, Void Stone, Broad Sword, and Claymore are all sub 1.5k). Also, AM's talents + blink mobility just gives him easy jungle with or without a BF.

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        It's easy to comeback with Spectre. You don't even need items, opponent will make a mistake sooner or later and you could easily capitalize on it.

                        AM is a creep, a weak carry and generally dogshit hero.

                        Even after you'll get your BF, you'll be sucking it balls deep and die in two shots. Good luck split-pushing, when your racks already start falling down.

                        AM has BF min 19-20 = you have no carry and might as well just wait, until it's all over.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          AM can come back through disciplined farm and split push, but is a meh mid game fighter, while spectre is the opposite

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I'd rather walk down mid if I had to lane against huskar/viper 1v2 safelane
                            Which actually happened yesterday


                              Out of the 2 heroes you have mentioned Spectre is harder to play catch up on, Anti Mage is a bit straight forward Battlefury/Malestorm then play solo PvE split push. Spectre is a bit more complicated as when playing catch up you may have to forgo buying radiance after around
                              30 mins and adapt to the situation.


                                I think Spectre is easier to catchup as you just have to find kills with haunt.


                                  ^Hmm would have to disagree, as you said "have to find kills" and finding kills would mean catch up with any hero.


                                    Finding pickoffs to get back into the game is easier to do with spectre than with AM
                                    While split pushing and cutting waves is easier with AM
                                    But AM is worse than spectre these days so technically we can say AM is harder to come back into the game with


                                      Am is dogshit without good lane. Spec can still press r and win. Brain dead hero


                                        @boy with star However you are reliant on your teammates to setup that for you, but I do see your point.

                                        old man

                                          without a big item, say, radiance or diffu or manta on spec, haunt doesnt really do much damage (unless you find some dumb support who sit alone away from his team). meanwhile am farming rate increases tremendously even after some small components, say, perseverance and he can farm nonstop. so i would say spec is harder to catch up unless your team can get some good temafights and you got some KS (meh if you as a spec is falling behind, then what do you expect from your team lol)

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Depends on your team and if they can setup kills for you (spectre) or make space for you to farm (AM).


                                              Good luck running around trying to get kills as AM, meanwhile as spectre your team just has to get someone low hp and you can globally get a ks. That being said I think it's much easier to set spectre behind than AM.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                spectre is definitly easier to shut down early than am. Am is actually a decent laner while spectre's laning is probably the worst of all carries.


                                                  you don't even need your lane to go well as a spectre, you just leech lv6 and wait for your team to get someone low hp, then swoop in to steal the kill, AM's definitely much harder to play catchup on

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    glad u guys agree spectre is brain dead. looking at you bws lulll