General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you were tasked to draft a team of 5 Dota players to play against ...

If you were tasked to draft a team of 5 Dota players to play against the Devil's team with the fate of the world at stake, who would they be and why? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Bonus question: team name

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Devil's team average mmr would be 9.75k, and you draft your team with the current pool of players we have now all around the world


        I wud just draft OG as it is rn
        maybe swap ana for sumail
        the thing is they may not all be the MOST individually talented players they r very coordinated and know what theyre doing as a team


          actually I wud keep ana tbh


            OG - swap ana with midone, swap notail with rtz.

            doc joferlyn simp

              I'd rather let the world end

              mom said it's my turn to ...

                ^the answer that i was looking for

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  The hacker will win

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    Hacker. Wat


                      Is this a real question?
                      Apoop carry
                      Me mid
                      Raj offlane
                      Fx support
                      Alice support


                        Seatards will win ti7


                          Not with Bws mid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                            1- me
                            2- me
                            3- me
                            4- me
                            5- me

                            team name : me-sama

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Bws mid best mid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                You'll die out of cancer if you see how fx play support

                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                  Fx is actuli gud support
                                  Also no room for me in seatards FeelsBadMan

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    my support is good, unless you ban spirit breaker

                                    or force me to play silencer


                                      Mid - Miracle-
                                      Safelane Carry - Arteezy
                                      Safelane Position 5 Support - GH
                                      Offlane - UNiVeRsE
                                      Roamer - JerAx

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^Have u ever watch ana or no[o]ne mid?


                                          Ana kinda dies too much in the early game but is a beast in the late game while No[o]ne is indeed great but I'm a Miracle- fanboy sorry


                                            Tnx dog i knew it from the start but the wouldnt believe me. Remember that the enemy all build sb and had a riki so i just spam sentry and dust.
                                            I wouldnt draft team i would ask God to help me out


                                              why everyone jerk on rtz safelane

                                              admit hes best safeLANER early on he rly outzone kill take all fucking farm and get early items but hes fucking babyage and low esteem shithead his personality are complete puss.y shi.t
                                              he also transgressed in carrear

                                              eg secret eg xx eg xx eg xx eg fuck ur mother


                                                Fx is actuli gud support



                                                  Name Last Used
                                                  Achmed Jr 4 hours ago
                                                  Gaston' 22 hours ago
                                                  idc iz smurf 15 days ago
                                                  10 ranked losestreak 16 days ago
                                                  Root of noobism 17 days ago


                                                    ^gg bro i give acc to som muslim and i have to work alot tired of mmr thing jist play for fun

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Smurf gave up and resolves to hold on to what he has left lawl xd