General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win these?

How to win these? in General Discussion

    Maybe I do fucking suck, but I still haven't figured out how to win these kind of games, 1 single mistake and its gg. if anyone thinks they can show how to win these kind of games without a sweat I will pay you to coach me.

    team was 2-20 in 11 minutes in this match with godlike pudge and sniper at 11 minutes:

    lost with 27 kills...


      I know im lower mmr than you, but I looked at them all and except for the last one it looked like you weren't taking enough objectives. when ever you get a pick you and your team need to act upon it very unified or split push since you have a quick advantage. Like on your sven game sure your close to six slotted but sometimes after you team gets a pick push with gods strength it really destroys towers.

      Next monkey isn't really a carry any more and I dont see why you got a battle furry unless you wanted the wukongs order to hit everybody in it but the issue is there are better carries than him that can also push alot better than him.

      The ta game you just got trashed from what i can see but thats okay because it happens, not fun but it happens.

      On the blood seeker game well he falls off late game just because hes not the best carry there is phantom definitely wins a late game fight even with your true strike and 30% life steal she just hits much much harder

      One quick tip the chat wheel is very beneficial for positive use and getting your team to do things all together and its much easier than typing.

      A few bad games isnt the worst thing in the world its an oppurtunity to evaluate what went wrong:)


        some games are unwinable


          none of these are unwinnable

          what i consider unwinnable is someone intentionally feeding, i'd win all of these.

          you'd have to be blind to not look at the fact that the enemy is also feeding and has low farm/kda as well

          you're playing like an idiot, with idiots, against idiots.

          i've won games that make these look like free wins

          not even free wins, but make them look like unlosable games.

          look at the gpms i nthose games

          games you call ''unwinnable'' enemy is not even ahead by 1.5k+ gpm, they're ahead by like 500, that's ltierally nothing.

          look at the overall kills, enemy has like 10-20 more kills on almost every of those matches more than your team.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Explain how you win a game thats 2-20 in 11 minutes, I will pay for coaching on how to win that unloseable, without playing arc warden or meepo..


              by snowballing 1v9 ofc


                sure, whatever.

                sent friend request.

                if anyone else wants to watch, i'll stream it on my profile.



                  Idiots be idiots. Nice bootle rush with your 625 gold. Nice midas timing 12min LUL
                  Honestly i get out of 2.1 so easily that you will believe me that i am boosting.


                    mmhmh why go aquila wen you can go midas? fuck the stats, better get a bit attack speed and juicy gpm.

                    doesnt matter that it leaves you squish AF and with bnp utility for the first 20 minutes. ggwp


                      Seeing that you like to complain a lot, I'm guessing the reason you lose is you're an egoistic bastard that thinks of only himself.

                      Here's the thing, these 5k+ MMR players can teach you what to do mechanically, but here's what I have for you that once I did this, it brought me from 2.6k to 3.3k in about 2-3 weeks of playing just 2-3 games a day.

                      1. Try to befriend your team. At the beginning of the match, establish rapport. I know it sounds gay and all, but it works. Once your team is okay with you, you're all in a good mood and you can work together. When you tell them what to do, they might actually listen because they see you as their "friend."
                      2. Never flame your team. Dude, you're getting all of the kills, and I'm even guessing you're using the Storm Bolt just to secure the last hit. Your team is significantly less farmed. If you know that you're gonna be taking all the neutrals and creepwaves, tell your team to get a Midas so they're not so behind with farm. Don't get all last hits - assists give significantly less gold and experience now.
                      3. Never give up. Even when you think you're gonna lose, just grind it out and do your best. I recently came from a comeback win after our TB was dogshit with a 1-7 start and I just played my game and did everything smart.


                      The simplest tip I guess is just to git gud. The laning phase determines everything. Win your lane, roam to win another, and so on. Don't be passive and you can't win 1v9 even when you think the game is like that. Try to work with your team and if they give you shit, just do your thing.