General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter LC lategame and break highground against sniper?

How to counter LC lategame and break highground against sniper? in General Discussion

    Played against LC and Sniper, it's really hard to go to their base even if we're 2v5 in our advantage.
    P.S I'm too scared to buy rapier, because the problem our earthshaker won't bring a gem and want to be a carry.


      Seeing that ES is a selfish player, it's possible that he didn't want to initiate? He should have just been selfless to just go in with an echo and chainstunning while you guys beat the shit out of the enemies. Or maybe Huskar could have gotten a dagger or just went straight in seeing that he has a BKB + Satanic (even if he gets dueled, it's just a 1 for 1 trade or bc of the Satanic he could even live). It's good that you didn't run in like a braindead noob but your teammates seem like shit.


        juggernaut really suffer vs LC because he kills himself with his insane damage , maybe AC+Abyssal will make things better but overall avoid being dueled , as for breaking sniper highground , destroy all tier 1,2 towers and start starving them of resources while trying to find a pick off and making sure you all have Buyback , then you go take roshan , spin and healing ward while attacking towers then get back until they off cool down , rinse and repeat until eventually a fight break and you win


          ^You really don't need the AC + Abyssal, just avoid being dueled. If your team initiates first, LC will think that he's forced to duel someone already in the fight rather than wait for you. NS players are quite impatient.

          You can't starve them of resources, as the creeps just go their way. Snipe will get farmed that way as he has insane range. You really won't find a pickoff since I'm sure that the enemy team will just defend from highground as that's their advantage. Best thing to do would just get vision of sniper and jump on him as he deals insane amounts of damage in very little time. There's a reason why he's almost always number 1 in the game in terms of hero damage dealt.

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            Place ward on highground and wait, until one is out of position, attack only after the outcome is apparent victory.


              Where was your goddamn abyssal?
              Also starve the shit out of them by shoving all 3 lanes in, farm both your own jungle and theirs until you have a lead that allows you to secure HG/they overextend/roshan is up


                Be brave and Jump them