General Discussion

General DiscussionStun bot Morphling?

Stun bot Morphling? in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Been watching VODs of various high MMR players and why is the Morphling build enjoying a surge of popularity

    Giff me Wingman

      tanky af support, strong illusion from illusion hero meta, guarranteed llong duration stun, with aghs possible strong semi carry.

      idk. U tell us why.

      doc joferlyn simp

        These were all true even before 7.05. It's literally just the pros of the hero build. I guess I'm asking is what changed to make this viable again even in high MMR ranked games, when it was not that seen before

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Iron Talon

          casual gamer

            ^ iron talon was stronger before though, so thats not it


              It's fun I guess if you are into ruining people's day.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                What patch did this... stun bot morph build surge exactly?

                I believe the build was always ded because people would rather have a SpiritBreaker or Shaman that can start working from min 0 instead of a 7 mins activation time stun bot

                Maybe it's just somehow people started noticing this recently?


                  i duno maybe because of OD?


                    its always been good, but its a good solar crest hero which is op rn and good vs radiance which is also often built

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Very, very bad laner and not a good roamer either, stun isn't long enough until level 3 at least.


                        its usually offlane or jungling

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          He is garbage offlane too though, would be lucky to even get exp. The pull abuse thing is good actually.