General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice on ranked. Stuck on 4.8

Need advice on ranked. Stuck on 4.8 in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I need some advice to get out of the 4k bracket. I am currently 4.8k and have been fluctuating to the exact same mmr. Any advice what can I do to improve myself/ some tips from 5k 6k players what we 4k usually do wrong. I play almost any role if need be but more than 50% matches I play mid. Thanks



        Join me in 4.6K


          ehm ehm , allow ths 2k scrub to advice you , i improved alot by watching a 6-7k games for like 3-4 hours and then spectate some of my friends in the same bracket while playing , you will realize how many opportunities they waste and how stupid was their positioning , then try to not do the same in your games

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Small Dick,Huge Ball

            Dont let your team throw games u can win i mean i was in alot of games when my team take rax and stay farm in hg and then enemy team kill them all and we lost just buy a microphone and just tell them get the fuck back u got 5 kill and rax enemy buy back dont stay there fuckin morons most of the 4k players dont have brain when to back when to fight so just guid them if u good


              we built a wall on 5.0k, you won't climb over it.

              jk, if you want mmr stop being versatile you moron and start spamming


                I just checked your avg gpm as core from your last month. It was just a bit above 500. My avg gpm as core was 650 as core last month and you have to consider that i have way less space in my games. So improve your farming, stop dieing without any reason and you can get 5k easily

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Good winrate OP.

                  Don't join unnecessary fight and do objectives when your team on unnecessary fight.


                    Ty guys for the advice, I try to work on my gpm