General Discussion

General DiscussionVengeful Spirit

Vengeful Spirit in General Discussion
eternal positivity :)

    So as my name implies, my Dota abilities are nothing to speak of (calibrated in ranked at less than 1k FeelsBadMan) but lately, since 7.00 anyways I've been having a good bit of success when I play Vengeful Spirit as a mid carry. Her stats scale super well and her talent tree seems insanely good, usually go +25 attack speed> +8 all stats> +65 damage> +20% vengence aura damage and with a few items she can hit for upwards of 400 damage. My question is y'all wonderful people have any advice on how I can play/build her better? I'll never be Miracle but looking to improve my play.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    doc joferlyn simp

      Is that you koala-man?

      eternal positivity :)

        koala?? wut? I'm confused haha


          It seems that i have founded another one of my kind.

          eternal positivity :)

            I see you get a hurricane pike or shadow blade sometimes, do you think a mobility item is required on her? Guess I've never thought about trying either of those


              u always get mobility on venge she lacks it
              she is fine as a carry but not fine as a mid, she has no wave clear, cant rlly trade early on, or lh well against higher dmg mids and is rather weak to ganks.
              she is better as a safelaner
              pike and/or sb is almost mandatory on her
              u can transition into bkb, butterfly, ac, deso, manta, sny, for late game
              abuse her early powerspike to coast ur team into the late game with an advantage, its hard to play venge when very behind as a carry.


                I remember doing offlane venge on 1k party games ._________.


                  +20% vengeance aura? What MMR do you play?

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    ^the lvl 25 talent
                    it's actually really good and might be easily better than Spell Immunity piercing Magic Missile especially when you are a carry VS

                    She is one of the fun heroes to play in NS since she's semi-carry

                    Fee Too Pee

                      rofl everyone pick 20 % vengeance aura dude, no one pick the Spell immunity piercing stun. when u need bkb piercing stun is rare