General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help with toxic teammates

Need help with toxic teammates in General Discussion

    Disclaimer: I'm not the kind of person who thinks that I'm better than everyone else. Neither am I a very good mid player, I play supp at 3k bracket, I'm only trying out carries in 1k bracket to see if I can carry. Anyways,

    My void wanted to solo top, but I don't think he was doing that well. He was instructing the whole team on how to play the game in tagalog, which I obviously wouldn't understand. Then there was the disruptor, who doesn't ward the entire game and is farming for god-knows-what. And there's the BB who's complaining that I didn't report missing mid when I had done so repeatedly unless I myself wasn't in lane.

    I don't mind if my teammates aren't performing or are just bad at the game, but if u'd listen and help the team in the right way, that's fine. Instead of that, they try to teach you how to play instead. Repeated pings, teaching me how to build, pinging me for not reporting missing and stuff like that. I got so tilted in the end I thought of not pushing so we'd lose the game. Funny how I was the one doing the most job and ends up with the most report.

    Help please?


      mute all of them and win the game on your own

      зачем я начал поиск

        1. No one is ought to listen to anyone in Dota.

        2. dota_chat_mute_everyone 1


          ^^ mute em all and let god sort em out

          seriously, dota is toxic no matter what MMR you play.

          People will tilt over the dumbest shit


            just mute them


              Rofl carry disruptor kappa


                But I don't think I'm that good and I can't win games alone. I somehow still needed to rely on them.


                  have confidence in your skills, and you cant rely on your teammates in 1k bracket
                  its up to you to dictate the flow of the game, eventually they will follow you to victory

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    To be completely honest, I don't know, how you can stay in 2k or lower, if you're willing to go up.

                    Like, I am a bad player, but even when I've tried playing on a 1k account, I won 11 out of 12 games I've played there.

                    IMO, it requires just a little bit of coordination to get out of 1-2k.


                      muting ur team won't affect your games


                        A slight alternate to muting all possible communication from your teammates (which btw, also requires manually muting voice and text communication before the start of every game) is to go to settings and selecting the option *Mute all incoming chat.

                        What this does is stop any custom chat sent by your teammates or by the enemy, whether text or voice, but still does give you messages like 'Roshan' or 'Get back' or 'Missing'. This is what I do, and trust me, I've been winning a lot of games since this, taking into factor of course that I have a good mindset, am playing well and know my hero well.

                        In my and your brackets, teamwork really does not exist, and isnt even required if you pick a strong hero and know what you should do at all stages of the game. Its not something that comes immediately and needs some experience, something I'm learning too, but you'll get there.

                        Story Time

                          besides muting you can try to play party games with some reliable teammates. Dont u have friends?


                            tell them to get a life or hang themselves because their also failures in life. because their fucking mental ill, stupid, prideful and envy.


                              ^ like you. lul


                                go into games expecting your team knows what they're doing. for example if you have a shadow demon on your team and you expect him to do disruption at the right time then play that way, but the first time he doesnt do it you change your expectations and play the entire game assuming he doesn't know his role in the game

                                unfortunately that's how you have to play the game, make the right decisions, if someone is toxic or doesn't know what they're doing you simply need to ignore them and play around it, but you should never go into games expecting ur team is sucks or getting caught being emotional about random madbads you probably won't see ever again


                                  in 2k and 3k bracket, play your on game.


                                    Tip from someone who is stuck on the lower bracket

                                    If it is a toxic game do a toxic build