General Discussion

General DiscussionGPU FOR DOTA 2

GPU FOR DOTA 2 in General Discussion

    What gpu to get so i can get like 80-90 fps on low settings? i currently have gt 620 and g3260 and i get 55-70 fps .Suggest some gpus please :))

    თემა შეიცვალა

      ı am currently usıng gtx1050tı, Dota2 110~125fps wıth max settıngs.
      maybe thıs sıte could help you,


        ^ it's way too low for that graphics card, it gets ~ 150 - 240fps on 1080p all max settings, you're cpu bottlenecked. CPU is more important for dota than graphics card, any potato gpu can run this game with 100+ fps no problem esp when you drop down settings, you can play it with low end junk.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        how you doing?

          Ive the onboard laptop intel graphic card "D gives me 30 fps max


            dota is cpu intensive game get some pentium g4620 ,g4560 , i3 6100 or sth equaly budget and a 100 $ gfx u can have 100fps + 1080p