General Discussion

General DiscussionVaraince in team MMR when SoloRanked

Varaince in team MMR when SoloRanked in General Discussion
Story Time


    What do you do when the team is clearly unbalanced with respect to MMR. So, for eample, one player is 4.1k mmr and then there is 4.7k, but 4.7k picks support, and low mmr goes carry. Is that justified? Whaat if 4.7k always plays just support.. or shall he try going core if his team is lower mmr.


      You play what you are most comfortable. I played in a game where I played with a friend who is like 1.5k mmr higher than me and I marked mid or carry and some 2k guy complained. Safe to say I carried the game. If I had played support I would have played much worse than I did as a core.


        i have a similar case , sometimes i play with a close friend who is 1.5k mmr higher than me and he only play support whilei play carry , usually then i just pick literally a brain-dead carry (mostly PA) to make the skill level closer and just go with whatever call he make (pa jump dazzle ,sir yes sir) and ask him if i am not sure about something

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Highest MMR should bear the responsibility to play carry
          which is why I kept training carry in another acc so when the time comes, I am prepared but I'm more comfortable as support :P
          But here in SEA, people don't give a fuck, still pick carries anyways


            I often play with my friends that are like in 2-3k range, I always go core, there is no point in supporting and creating space for people that have no idea how to use it. Prime example is my high 2k friend going safelane WK uninterrupted getting 10 min echo, 25 min armlet, 38 min desolator. No matter what you do in this game they WILL let you down so it's better to play high impact heroes.



              lets say I'm your lowest mmr player in a normal ranked mmr spread. I have a 75% winrate on Viper and a 25% winrate on lion. Which one do you want me playing?


                your winrate would be irrelevant, since if we are teamed up (just the two of us) our average will be around 3k which is more than 1k above your skill level. So to answer your question I would rather you be my ward bitch lion, since when you imminently fail to deliver I will at least have a 3k core that is significantly better than you are in most aspects of the game.


                  if you read, I said in a normal ranked game where if your not 5k the varience in mmr is like 500 mmr. My viper is probably in the range of 2.5 to 3k whereas my lion is about 1k. Which means I will play 1.5k better if I play viper


                    you asked me which one would I want you playing, and my answer remains, I would rather have more skilled people go core. Even when MMR difference isn't huge. I can play pretty much anything but the deep 5 (cause I just never really practiced it since I mostly played with my friends that arent that good), but if I do see that I am in the high average game i try to give priority to 5k+ people since they are more likely to better use their farm.

                    Have fun

                      Agreed with b0n'b0n. Generally player with higher MMR has a better game sense and their team killing potential from time to time. A 1k difference in MMR make a huge difference in term of the farming efficiency,pattern and their itemization. When I am playing with friends within 1k MMR difference, their safelane core heroes laning phase is just awful and sometimes loses the lane miserably with my rotation on his lane and secure a 1-2 kills within 10 minutes mark. Thus, I strongly recommend Higher MMR friend should be the carry if u guys are taking the game seriously , but who cares if there is people like me just wanna to enjoy the game?


                        in answer to the last part of op's question if your high mmr and always goes support and the low mmr always goes carry it's better for you to go support and let the low mmr carry because if you switch it around you'll both likely play worse because your not used to the role and you will effectively bring down your teams average mmr because your now playing a role your 4.5k mmr at and hes playing a role hes 3.5k at. Plus he is likely to still pick carry anyways.


                          500 mmr deviation? Y right... Enemy midlaner: 8k+, my mid: 5K SeemsGood. Nice 500 mmr deviation Kappa