General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anybody help to analyze my 4K MMR Luna game?

Can anybody help to analyze my 4K MMR Luna game? in General Discussion

    @Mafioso by your winrate and amoutn of games a day you will be at 1k within a week.


      dunning kruger alert here, wtf your 1300 solo mmr and you think you can analize why 4k luna lost his game, lol you so fucking retarded bro , better delete this game and go play metal slug or some other shit that doesnt involve brain.


        read the comments before you dick head than try to predict they way my mmr will go.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Your team's SF just suck, that's all.

          I looooove Aghs but you HotD and DL before that and got it on 26 min. mark when everyone's probably getting BKB and 1500HP in another few minutes
          I either commit an Aghs Luna after Aquila and AetherLens or just go full standard

          Savvy Cat

            I don't play Luna, but I have played with Luna, as a team mate. Manta, Satanic, and Skadi is the typical carry me to victory build I see.




                Lol mafioso throwing words around that he doesn't understand again. You think no one here is gonna realize that you are the one with his head full of dunning Kruger? I mean look at your party games with supposed 1 mmr players. They range from high 1k to 4K even. Similar to ppl I play with.You're just bad. Lol. I mean it's so fkn ironic you blame your winrate on your party, and then u say my winrate is because of my party. Lol

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  There's just so much stupidity in everything you say, and nothing you say has any credibility it's astounding. I can't even respond to anything.


                    Question is, has anyone watched the freaking game?


                      why would you bother non stars comment.

                      i dont need to watch or analyze your games. by reading what you wrote, they win because u got cocky and overextended.

                      you had aghs and and mistakes you make its gonna be costly.

                      having aghs mean luna lack alot of man fighting especially against sf, axe. so if you make a few mistakes, you are done.

                      people can easily juke around with luna aghs.

                      Potato Marshal

                        I watched the replay, and you did not have a good laning stage. SD did nothing except stand there sapping exp and inefficiently trading hits. Nobody ganked you but you never even touched the enemy bot tower at all. You didn't even hit a tower until 18 minutes in, when your whole team decided to push top. You just constantly ran to jungle with your creep once you got your hotd instead of pushing.

                        You were in the bot lane, yet the enemy tier 1 bot tower lost a grand total of 41 hp by the end of the match when you lost all your rax.


                          @zDonFrank SF was my teammate

                          @Potato Marshal thanks for taking time man. SD support or any 4k supports for that matter are like that only - I have no control over them and it's just purely based on luck on whether they are good or not. I actually had him muted this game because he was provoking me a lot of times - Disrupting me when I was about to hit tower or neuts, etc.

                          Regarding not hitting tower, this was one of my realizations last night. I most exclusively do creep control. Maybe the alternative here is to put pressure on towers to gain vision and make enemy rotate. I will start doing this.

                          So, in conclusion, we lost game PURELY because I didn't do those things?


                            What do you want us to say? That you're good and your teammates were the reason you lost?

                            No genius you didn't win game the game purely because you didn't do any of the suggested things. Your midlane got a bad start and fed the enemy Invoker. Nothing you could have done.

                            Want a pat on the fucking head to go along with that?




                                Can anyone advice as to how can I maneuver myself during MID-LATE game when enemy Invoker can actually ONE SHOT kill anyone solo. It was only from @Zenoth who commented that I shouldn't die to such tactics coz Agh's Scepter gives me a lot of STATS. And in fact, I avoided death when Invoker tried to gank me solo again. I responded with Agh's ult and could have killed him if I have bought dust.

                                From @Zenoth: Bring Dust, you should do to him what he does to you. - something along those lines of not getting scared since I have enough HP to survive, etc. -- But I didn't know this. I don't know how much DMG can a solo gank Agh's Invoker do to you .

                                Anyways, our NS played well as we grouped up most of the time with his Scepter + Gem. But this really limited my farming pattern as I was afraid to get too far away from my teammates, etc.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Potato Marshal

                                  You needed a bkb against invoker. Half of his abilties like ice wall and deafening blast just renders you useless. A few hundred hp from your aghs isn't going to help you when you're walking at glacial speed through ice wall. You were constantly getting stuck in ice wall or disarmed by deafening blast.

                                  You should've just destroyed all the tier 1 and 2 towers before going for tier 3 when their whole team is up. The enemy team couldn't have ambushed you while you had an aghs NS with a gem on your team. You could've had complete map control and the enemy wouldn't have had any vision if you destroyed all the enemy towers and had NS constantly deward. Once then you could've just chipped away at their tier 3s with your SD illusions, and forced high ground once you got Rosh.


                                    ^ Thanks again. Yes, I know I badly needed BKB that game.
                                    We created so much space after the 5-man pushes so I thought I had all the time to get my next tier items.

                                    After the 26 min purchase of Scepter, I got Manta @ 35th minute.
                                    It wasn't until then that I felt the real power of Invoker, and they were already knocking at our T3 @ 40th minute.
                                    I typically delay BKB as much as possible if I know we have the advantage - allows me to have full BKB charges during late game

                                    I guess - I read the game situation wrongly.
                                    I underestimated their Invoker too much - didn't believe he could carry the other 4 we rekt so hard.

                                    Looking back, BKB before the Manta purchase would have been a better choice.

                                    Noted on this.


                                      luna aghs doesnt work much. its very situational. doesnt work for me atleast.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა