General Discussion

General Discussioncooky

cooky in General Discussion

    how hard are u rite now?

    < blank >

      hard triggered because he can't get into sekret tred


        fucking retards


          my dick is so hard that it became so dense it turned into a black hole


            these trashes picking arc and losing

            i can feel so many buffs coming that i've already grown a 6 pack

            as long as these trashes don't figure out that you can buy treads or octarine on this hero i'll be safe

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Even Miracle can't win on AW. So Cookie still thinks that both he and his AW aren't shit


                i don't even give a fuck, i'm getting buffs


                  don't figure out that you can buy treads


                  i don't even give a fuck, i'm getting buffs

                  youre not tho


                    we shall see

                    treads gives +100 dps for a very low cost, you don't need to rat with this hero for the first 15 minutes

                    you can get bots extra mjolnir/silver edge

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Johnny Rico

                      arc isnt getting buffs


                        i know and im sure pros know too, bots is just the meta build


                          phase is also good

                          Johnny Rico

                            he is getting a rrework, now he will have 1-2-3 clones depening of his ult level, but with an aghs he gets an extra clone, his flux will do a fire dmg and can randomly apply to close enemies, his bubble now blocks enemies inside or outside it, and now you have infinite spark mines but they cant be stack and do a sound, and you can see it trough fog.

                            i have 5 reports to use

                              Phase is shit you need as


                                its not really shti and arteezy used to go phase dlance and skip midas but now midas is buffed and OP


                                  Yea, in games where enemy ran dogshit duals and i ddint have a support, i delay midas and go phase first instead.

                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    I cry every time I go to the jungle with phase boots


                                      Phasr is for fighting as enemy is ahead ans will dive/gank/push so you can tp and countergank

                                      Player 404335202

                                        Where do u practice ur arc cookie ? U dont play much games on ur main

                                        Ghastly Wail

                                          ^ On a 3k Account


                                            Arc? Isn't that the buggy hero?

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              ^No, it's the hero you can counter by using your brain.


                                                ^so 5k players don't use their brain?

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  ^No, seeing as Arc Warden has a shit winrate and are thus able to beat him.

                                                  Or maybe the Arc players don't know how to play him, idk