General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are some good carries for 7.05? You got a top 3?

Who are some good carries for 7.05? You got a top 3? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Just wondering if anything has changed guys.

    Life stealer got nerfed, but he still seems like free MMR to me, and he's fun to play, so I play him anyways. lol

    Sven feels extremely weak this patch, I think it was the dominator change maybe.

    Just under 4.7K and wondering who's good, cause lately ive been playing carry and just winning a lot cause of it, which is funny cause i'm garbage at farming, but pretty decent at decision making and making plays so I worm out games somehow.

    Seem like the top one's for me right now.

    Life Stealer

    თემა შეიცვალა
    doc joferlyn simp

      Juggernaut, Lifestealer, and Spectre, just from watching various streams and videos from high MMR players

      Livin' Real Good

        Yeah, I hear people bringing up Spectre a lot! I'm somewhat not convinced though. But then again, it's alot harder to break high ground this meta thanks to the changes, so maybe this IS a Spectre meta. (as far as pubs go)

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        doc joferlyn simp

          Lately high MMR players have been getting Midas on her. The map has less resources as far as the team is concerned, and the gold from Midas taken early can ensure you don't lose out on farm versus someone with more farm capabilities (Anti-Mage, Slark, Juggernaut with Maelstrom).

          Nevertheless she looks to be very strong now and if the "stronger highground" trend from Icefrog's patches will continue, she might be a meta pick along with heroes such as Medusa.

          Livin' Real Good

            Medusa meta? Oh jeez.

            That means Sniper might be back too.

            I had a friend who lost 1000 MMR in the hohoHAHA dark era, then funny enough, the next patch he got it all back proving he belonged at that higher MMR. lol

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Super Senko-san Time

              CK, SF, <the best between Slark LS and Jugg>


                PSSSSH, dont tell anyone that CK is good, i want to spam him in peace


                  Spec is dogshit, cant create space. Any carry which can make space is good.


                    Slark? You high bro?


                      Ppd said ls is very meta now.


                        Jugg and TB seem very strong.


                          I have next to 0 versatility for carrying. Spectre Luna ursa

                          Goblin slayer

                            Jugg, TB, Ursa, WK, Spectre


                              Juggs definitely .. always a good pick
                              Spectre real good this meta...takes her time tho
                              Lifestealer too stronk
                              Storm Spirit
                              TA too good
                              looking at ur games PA seems to be working well


                                pa viper weaver


                                  surprised no one mentions troll.


                                    welp. im just gonna keep abusing him, hopefully valve doesnt nerf this hero



                                      Storm Spirit



                                        t b

                                        The Robot Devil

                                          TB, Jugg, Troll, Spec (late game), LS all seem good now. LC gets an honorable mention, but she's better in the offlane imho. I'm shit tier btw, but what is good sometimes doens't change as long as the micro isn't too bad and only TB is tough here. Also Ursa if you can solve his high ground problems with rest of team.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            Thanks I will add Terror blade to my repertoire cause now that I think of it, he does seem pretty strong in the past games ive fought him.

                                            Maybe Slark shouldn't be on that list cause i'm biased seeing as he's my favorite hero and I tend to always do well with him, and it might just be a me doing well with him thing, and not him actually being good.

                                            The Robot Devil

                                              Yeah Slark is still a first stage ban for me because a good slark player is always a pain in the ass. Everybody feeds the slark, it drives me cray.


                                                crystal maiden, won 7 in a row


                                                  1) TROLL
                                                  2) TROLL
                                                  3) TROLL

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I just can't seem to win on troll or lifestealer, don't think they are as good as advertised. I mean really, I get the worst teams when I pick those, but can't be coincidence only after so many games? I haven't lost to a troll in forever either it feels.

                                                    For me it's weaver and viper with occasional wraith king if no counters. Last pick wk is super strong.

                                                    For others, slark is overrated too, TB and jug are very good picks.

                                                    CK no idea, I haven't play or played vs in a long time.

                                                    Ursa is probably a tad underrated. Super high pub win rate.

                                                    Savvy Cat

                                                      Terroblade | Naga Siren | Spectre

                                                      Need somewhat decent team mates however.


                                                        1- Terrorblade
                                                        2- Illidan
                                                        3- Demon Marauder


                                                          did people forget Naga or are there better carries around?
                                                          only time i lost with Naga was when a sniper was overfed

                                                          Negative Mental Attitude

                                                            Troll Warlord


                                                              probably slardar, just go armlet and max bash first


                                                                Naga+kotl ez mmr, I love both heroes


                                                                  @direwolf if u don't understand how a hero is good, it could be you don't get his playstyles. And u win a lot against troll. That's good it means u understand his weakness well, but not his strengths - so u can win with him


                                                                    1. Phantom Assassin
                                                                    2. Juggernaut
                                                                    3. Random? haha



                                                                      everything else either easy to kite or doesn't do enough damage

                                                                      jugg is shit always relies on a team spectre became worse with extra late power from talents(her talents still sucks)
                                                                      lifestealer is just boring and also relies on a team to a degree


                                                                        spectre troll TB


                                                                          I hate jugg so much. Just such a bland carry that kinda does everything.

                                                                          Tb I suspect isnnot very good for normal skill folks as he relies a lot on team coordination around his metamorphosis


                                                                            PA! Winning most pub games with her. Simple to learn and get kills




                                                                                I don't get WK. Every pub or pro game I see with him , he just cannot compete with other carries and they lose. He cannot flash farm, and gets kited.

                                                                                You lane him in safe, he doesn't farm as fast as other HC's.

                                                                                You roam/ jungle . I have yet to win a game where teammate did that. Most of the time they AFK jungle and that hurts the other lanes as you have 1 support to protect the HC, TP to stop dives and supply offlaner with wards

                                                                                Any HIGH MMR,or carry players care to explain why he seems so shit?

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  Sniper? Maybe


                                                                                    wk's just fine actually, he's sitting at a comfortable 54% in 5k+ this week

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                      What does the HC stands?


                                                                                        Nobody mentions Viper here.

                                                                                        That Hero is absolute cancer on the right hands.


                                                                                          ^ someone didn't read carefully enough


                                                                                            @ severe

                                                                                            I know he has a super high WR. I just never see him win so I don't understand why he's so good.


                                                                                              @bearcat Dire did mentioned Viper, didn't read carefully enough lol.

                                                                                              But serious, Viper Is Cancer, second to none.


                                                                                                I mentioned viper before he did


                                                                                                  1. Meepo
                                                                                                  2. Meepo
                                                                                                  3. Meepo


                                                                                                    what about doom??

                                                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                      reminding you, life stealer is free wins. lol

                                                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა