General Discussion

General DiscussionIs jungle worth it anymore without talon+qb stacking?

Is jungle worth it anymore without talon+qb stacking? in General Discussion

    Oh boy...! And this midas exp nerf was totally unnecessary. I need heroes to spam who can actually end the game. Thinking about ursa, lycan, troll. Any more ideas?

    doc joferlyn simp

      lmao jungle has always been viable ever since talon was introduced. just not as efficient as it could have been but nonetheless viable

      Goblin slayer

        Jungle is always cancer but I love cancer. Thats why I jungle. LOL Every jungle hero is cancer unless you are enigma, chen and enchantress. Occasionally viable on Axe, NP, Lycan, Ursa, WK and LS but these heroes will make your other lanes very weak. It is only useful if your safelane and mid lanes are self suficient and doesnt require the jungle pre 10mins.

        Potential junglers = Magnus, Jugg, Troll, DP, Timber and Techies

        *PS I know didnt incl. LC cause its the most cancerous jungler

        Only jungle when you have a strong draft. Or you're 1-icetea

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Dire Wolf

          I don't think it changes much, just nerfs some heroes who probably shouldn't jungle anyway like wraith king, sven, troll. Normal junglers like lc and axe will still jungle fine.


            Well it totally nerfs my playstyle cause i used to get 6min midas on bs and kept farming efficiently for the rest of the game. Now i really need to change the order of the items and my decision making again.


              ^if u jungle bs ur ok
              if u jungle bs into midas, u r still ok, but that's getting kinda aids
              if u jungle bs into midas, and u don't contribute at all and farm for 20 min, kys rn.
              also I'm pretty sure ur better off just going sb or blademail instead of midas, bs jungles rlly fast anyway why tf wud he need midas?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Small Song

                ^The midas change would also affect some junglers. I think the exp nerf is more serious than the gold buff.


                  yeah, I get the midas on fire bird so im getting LVL 3 egg and egg talent earlier.... I've noticed my fire bird games since the 7.05 patch that its taking more time.