General Discussion

General DiscussionI'll spam slardar watch me i am gonna leave this 1k shit

I'll spam slardar watch me i am gonna leave this 1k shit in General Discussion

    fuck dota and dota player


      play slark it's a free win sub 3k

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        slardar was nerfed hard

        mr. rabbit

          i understand what's 1000 gpm on alchemist

          Congrat me for being pro on this hero


            i wish you all the luck, because you're going to need it considering lc is the only hero you have a good winrate with


              thanks to you all
              but first I must finishing my low prio with 5 single draft win


                Dunno why but i do best in low prio. I sometimes go 5-0 and am right back out of it, unless I play in a party


                  dude, i don't see a single slardar spam on your profile.

                  Player 345068850

                    ^he has to get out of low prio first lmao


                      there is this one 0/16 game...


                        I said"I will.......... 1k shit"

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          he will, when he is done playing 99 other heroes in dota lul

                          GENERAL CHO

                            wraith king easier for 1ks like u

                            Player 345068850
                              კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                WOW ...JUST WOW THIS STORY IS FOR OPRAH


                                  Slardog to exit your trench.


                                    u all don't know how good slardar with orchid or heaven's halberd


                                      u all don't know how good slardar with orchid or heaven's halberd

                                      really makes you think :thinking:

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        If you're below 2k, just pick anybody that requires any sort of team coordination to kill like Slark or Alch.