General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Manta Style getting out of line and S&Y returning to meta?

Is Manta Style getting out of line and S&Y returning to meta? in General Discussion
♛ A Pecadora

    Hello, whats up ?!

    So, what do you think about Manta Style has been nerfed after all this time while sange and yasha received a little buff patch after patch?

    I know that to certain heroes S & Y is situational, but think with me guys: nowadays, ppl build manta to juggernaut, drow ranger, morphling, mirana, sniper almost as a core...

    The only reason i see to manta still at those heroes build, is the fact it dispels habilities (and reset attacks), give mana, power to push and maybe almost all of these heroes tends to build SKADI. But it's really worth it, due the fact S&Y has his advantage? Is IceFrog forcing those heroes to stop building up Manta ?

    What do you think?

    Kind thoughts,

    Manta Style's patch notes:
    Buff Mirror Image range / melee cooldown reduced from 50/35 to 45/30
    Buff Mirror Image mana cost reduced from 165 to 125
    Nerf Mirror Image vision type changed from Unobstructed / Flying to Ground
    Buff Recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800
    Buff Mirror Image now resets the current attack and spell targeting priority
    Nerf Price increased by 150 (Total cost of ownership increased by 250 from 650 to 900 and Yasha cost decreased by 100)
    Buff Decreased cooldown of melee Heroes (50 → 35sec)
    Nerf Increased damage ranged Illusions take (350% → 400%)
    Nerf Lowered damage ranged Illusions deal (33% → 28%)
    Rework Increased recipe cost by 50 (Yasha recipe cost was reduced by 50)
    Nerf Attribute reduced from +10 to all attributes to +8 to all attributes
    Rework Cost increased by 50 (Manta recipe cost increased by 100 (500 to 600) and yasha recipe cost decreased by 50 (800 to 750)


    Sange & Yasha's patch notes
    Buff Sange and Yasha proc increased chance from 35% to 40%
    Buff Sange and Yasha Greater Maim chance from 30% to 35%
    Buff Maim chance increased from 16% to 30%
    Nerf Maim slow reduced from 32% to 26% / 13% for melee / ranged wielders
    Nerf Greater Maim no longer pierces Spell Immunity
    Buff Sange and Yasha slowed down from 4 to 5 seconds
    Buff Sange and Yasha slowed from 30% to 32%
    Buff Movement speed bonus increased from 12% to 16%
    Buff Minor changes to stats
    Buff Cost decreased from 4100 to 3900 (Yasha -100, Sange -100)
    Buff Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled
    Buff Greater Maim is no longer an orb effect
    Buff Increased the Attack Speed reduction on Maim's slow from 15% to 30%
    Buff Reduced cost by 100 (each Sange and yasha recipe cost decreased by 50; from 800 to 750)

    თემა შეიცვალა
    doc joferlyn simp




        Dire Wolf

          No it's not.


            I think sny is back. Sabre got nerfed, manta is situational and sny just keeps on getting buffed.


              I played ability draft the other day. Got "Curse of Avernus" + lifesteal and smth else. Ended up building S&Y and Eye of Skadi so I could laugh when people had like, 100 move speed.

              Dire Wolf

                Manta is still better on virtually every hero who would build either to begin with. Idk let's name a few?

                Tiny, manta way better cus illusions get his ult dmg
                Drow, manta way better cus illusions get ult buff
                TB, manta way better cus illusions get meta dmg
                Jug, manta way better cus illusions get diffusal. Case can be made to go s&y and not diffusal but I probably would skip both if not doing diffusal.
                Slark, needs echo still, not space or time to farm s&y as well.
                Troll warlord, the one hero s&y is still core cus echo isn't good on him, nor is manta.
                Wraith king, nobody builds s&y on him anymore if ever did
                Sven, echo is better, not slots or time for both
                CK, manta is better cus he's an illusion hero
                PA, I don't think either is good
                Lifestealer, likes echo more
                Riki, not really sure. Seems still good on him, do riki's build echo?
                Viper, possibly, yasha is really nice but the s&y proc on ranged is meh
                Medusa, same as viper. I'd rather go casual yasha and just sell it to 6 slot
                Abbadon, ok we might have a winner!
                Bristleback, potentially good.

                So I thought of like 2-3 heroes it's good on. Everyone else likes manta or echo or none.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  i can see it working on wk probably decent on riki, medusa would rather go manta if our going to make one of these. It's seems like most of the hard carries would rather build something else mostly just the tanky semi carry heroes would consider it.


                    Jug, manta way better cus illusions get diffusal.

                    Yea lets ignore the goddamn crit

                    ♛ A Pecadora

                      @v e n z i'll check
                      @Path to Victory i agree w you
                      @Snu haha nice :P
                      @Dire Wolf mmm,ok but few heroes from your list have manta as a core, no situational (CK, Tiny, TB, etc...).
                      @bearcat0611 manta will be, perhaps, a core on riki because diffusal got nerfed.
                      @bws Jug illusions benefits to much from his critical but spend a 5k item isnt too expensive because of 2 effects? An early game Juggernaut with SNY (Maim + Diffusal) is almost impossivel of run away. Just talking


                        No, you're just a bad player


                          I believe Manta still has more potential in the meta, firstly due to the aforementioned diff blade on cores, also the ability to dispel. Sny is certainly a great item on paper, but the only thing it does is maim, which isn't much use as the current meta favours heroes who have innate mobility or cores that go blink. I don't think the problem of "this dude is running too fast we need to slow his ms" ever occurred after 7.00.

                          Besides, to transition into late game Sny seems to give paltry stats compared to a Skadi.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Don't forget Manta can confused enemies,1 less hit from enemies core sometimes will changed a fight,or even a game

                            Dire Wolf

                              Well yeah cus manta is core on a lot of heroes, s&y is not core on anyone. Except possibly troll. It used to be core on a lot more but echo sabre killed it for all of those.

                              white boy summer

                                u ignored the dispell effects of manta and disjoint so it's good on jugg if enemy has silence not only if he has diffu (and every other hero)


                                  Sny is back


                                    Is it bad that I skip armlet and get away with building SnY core on Dragon Knight in almost every game? Gives good mid-game stats, attack speed and the slow stacks with his passive slow. It has a cheap buildup, can be dismantled and built into other (situationally) needed items late game?
                                    I have a pretty solid win-rate and KDA with DK as well, so why not 4Head

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I very much forgot about DK. I do build s&y on DK.


                                        manta style is still better on some heroes and say on others.
                                        Mantas biggest advantage is getting out of being silenced/rooted.
                                        Also it is good with radiance illusions, or diffusal blade illusions.

                                        So basically all mantas advantages remained for the heroes or situations that it is needed.


                                          @OP, pretty sure you forgot some other general buffs to illusions (IE. Illusions are granted damage block from shields.)


                                            Dont forget about the manta call dodge while playing against axe, its AXEtually easier then you think


                                              Sny is less bad but manta is usually better.