Templar has always been no doubt one of the strongest mid core, but she is easily countered and tends to fall off late game.
I still like her very much though ^^ after watching Zenoth plays her.
My go to hero for a while but the shitty thing about her is that you have to pick early and a TA pick in 2k somehow results in the enemy team forgetting about the rest of your team and picking 5 ta counters. The number of times I have to deal with a viper, ogre, jakiro lineup as a ta is disturbing.
I play three of her counters regularly ( venom, ogre and jak) so anytime I see her I know I have a good chance of winning and making some have a bad game.
Just be mindful of her counters and don't force a puck into a bad situation
I feel like someday they might just rework Refraction to be a damage shield like Abaddon or Flame Spirit have, and on that day all of the shitty poison heroes in Dota will have lost their last purpose
get xp and some cs tp out if you try to kill me
rice the jungle until i have items and feed off the sidelane with any good rune
get blink + deso rosh and kill all your outer towers
then farm until the next aegis and close the game out
People still think Viper is the ultimate TA counter?
I bet he can be annoying, but I'm pretty sure most TA's would be more concerned about picks like Warlock, core Jakiros or Batrider. Not a TA player though (I hardly ever see her as well).
For fucks sake people just get boots if you go against a viper. then basically follow the above instructions
i just got trilaned with viper as ta because the enemy team had 2 players in my last game
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Ta is an excellent hero, refraction is ultimate tool, invis - armor, dmg bonus, psi blades alternative of cleave, aoe slow - very powerfull annoying for enemy as you can spam, all her spells quite low cooldowns, especially her second spell you can use it many times in fight, very strong and might be one of the strongest hero if no overtime dot dmg in current game.