General Discussion

General DiscussionPos. 3 Morphling (Offlane)

Pos. 3 Morphling (Offlane) in General Discussion

    Was thinking about him being an offlane especially with a Luna it's like the new Shadow Demon. Morphling can handle offlane pretty much well got some nice skills nuke/escape then build Lotus Orb, Linkin Sphere, Glimmer Cape, Solar Crest Items like that would be good Ethereal Blade is still a thing for the Pos. 3 Morphling since it can 5v4 with the Eblade + Adaptive Strike combo that's the initiation of the fight since mostly the goal of Pos. 3 is to initiate and morph can be a tank with STR morph skill + The Stun is too long with the STR. Just a thought tho i would try it with some friends if it's good (3k scrub spare me)

    doc joferlyn simp

      make a tldr if you want to make a kinda lengthy post, especially if its your whole topic opener

      anyways rod of atos sounds good on that lmao


        Nope, keep your NS shiz to yourself

        Morph is trash at low level 1v1, not to mention 1v2 or god forbid 1v3

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          My apologies sad sax guy i'd try that thanks


            Cookie we all know you're vhs but based on my experience on Morhpling he can handle the lane quietly stable Morph ability is like armlet toggling i cannot deny he's bad earlier, by earlier I mean 1 point level on Morph skill and you've got a waveform to man fight them on your own great damage can use for escape and lots of cheap items to buy for survivability


              bad, bad NS, go back to your corner and think about what you've said.

              any competant supports would just kill you at lvl 1 and you can't enter the lane anymore

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              The DarKNovA

                Morph against a competent, strong enemy lane will get harassed out if he's alone, even if that Morph is played by god himself.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  morphling can indeed survive the offlane. but if they control the creep equilibrium such that creeps are near their tower, youd have to suck it up and try to stay in xp range. trading sucks for you becuase youd have to be at str otherwise youll die fast and just feed

                  that scenario isnt guaranteed to happen but lets say it does. youll have to find another way to get farm without leeching from teammate's lanes. you cant gank for shit because adaptive strike only has 1~ stun at level 1 with max str on, waveform only has 175 damage at level 2

                  you cant jungle for shit as well because farming a camp would take forever unless you commit lots of regen or commit waveform, which would leave you vulnerable to ganks. unlike traditional offlaners, morph doesnt have insane natural hp regen nor does he make good us of an iron talon. maybe you can stack your own camps and just be their bith for a while but youd have to commit tons of waveforms to kill it, and shrines are a one time use only


                    and how do you ever want to get your lvl 2? if their safelane gets a normal block the supp can just zone you out and you stay lvl 1 forever-either your have 900hp and 0dmg or 400hp and some dmg. both is ez to zone out by 1 or 2 supps. you can´t go woods with iron talon. so your only chance is to get the bounty runes-gj you are lvl 2 by min 6 and their carry had 100% freefarm and you won´t ever be useful in the entire game. nice idea. and even if your lane would go ok your 2nd is now a projectile and pretty ez to dodge like that(bkb, link, manta, blink,.....) so you don´t even offer a good way of initiation. just pick a hero like cent or aba as offlaner and you have way better chance at winning some games


                      I'm pretty sure the jungle is introduced to make up for your lost farm if you got rekt by support I know how support works cos I'm a support myself and I think there's called ward for you to be aware of your surroundings of supports were to roam since you're vhs you're probably good at map awareness and handling a lane

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        tldr bad without levels and needs farm to actually function as a hero, shit offlaner basically

                        dude no offense im 2k (technically) and i just had to ask myself "what does traditional offlaners have that morphling doesnt" and voila. a little thinking can go a long way

                        never lose your drive to question tho, its a good trait imo

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        The DarKNovA

                          The thing is, Morph can be good at surviving the lane, but at least until lvl 6 you have little resources to stand your own and aggressive enemy lane can get you really bad. At least if you do reach 6, you will have an 50 gold ticket for full reg at home, and be back instantly.
                          Of course, it can work if the enemy doesn't play aggressively, but you don't want to bet on that off chance.
                          Like many have said, there are heroes that work far better for the role, and you can't pull off a consistently decent performance with solo off.
                          If the enemy has a somewhat laid back lane, you can do it, I did it a few times myself, but generally, try to avoid that niche role with him.


                            Trading hits on a support isn't that hard I probably don't know much since i'm 3k but trade hits with support is one easy way to fend them off and if your team is doing good in their lanes they can force those supports to help their team
                            you can even ask your team for a lift if you're really in a dire state

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              wow meme boi, it is in le FRENCH! totalie understandissiment!


                                It's not like i'd be doing it recklessly so i can just choose between playing it as it is or the offlane idea which is most of you find him lacking for the pos. 3

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  if you play lots of support then you would know that supports generally have a nuke in their arsenal. something that doesnt just damage. common examples would be like rubick's bolt, lion's impale, lina's fire, cm's nova and frostbite. in a 1v1 do or die fight if you just lay out the pros and cons the supports have it in the bag compared to you. whats more, your nuke manipulates your positioning, which means youd have to be facing your tower when you waveform because otherwise you just jumped right in versus at least two enemies far from your tower. to prevent you from doing that the enemy support can just move-hit when you move-hit

                                  whats more even if the support leaves the lane to rotate somewhere else, you wont be able to bully their safelaner like "normal" offlaners can. you have a lousy nuke and a lousy stun with lousy right clicks, maybe the safelaner can even net a kill out of you. plus your range sucks

                                  just know that the hero belongs in the safelane, maybe the midlane but thats up for debate

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    You go and try it then.
                                    Like I said, it can work. But you don't want to meet an enemy team of a classic tri-lane, like Ogre, and other support and a core, because you will literally get 0 exp on that lane, absolute and total.

                                    On the other hand if it's a relatively laid back lane, you might pull off some ridiculously good moves and even get a kill off of them after 6. But I would strongly advise against it usually.

                                    Gotta put this here though, morph lvl 1 adaptive is a very cost efficient nuke, and stronger than lvl1 wave.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      first of all last year there was a period where this was being expiremented with and I know I saw it in at least one pro game at that time. As poeple have mentioned you're not likely going to pull this off as a solo offlaner for reasons mentioned. I think it just doesnt fit in this meta and I don't think it was ever anything but niche pick.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Solo offlane with below 450 HP, short range and low movement speed seems impossible

                                        But you know what?
                                        Any ranged hero with Iron Talon is a jungler


                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          All this criticizing because he only plays at a lower rank if this guy were to be a pro you all would probably try it smh


                                            there's no lost farm in the jungle if you're 0/60 and cant afford boots/talon

                                            The DarKNovA

                                              It's not really criticizing.
                                              He has posted his thoughts on the topic, others replied with their input, no flaming involved.

                                              fear is the mind killer

                                                ^ of course we would. What's wrong with that? Thats why a pro player is pro and a 2.5k mmr is the average dota player

                                                also jdf8

                                                  it's almost like people imitate success and winning against the best players in the world is more of a success than stomping 2/3/4k shitlords


                                                    investing your offlane into someone who only provides a single target stun & no harass to the enemy carry early game will not be able compete with what the other strong offlaners this patch provide

                                                    so even if you can get away with getting a mek or whatever on your morphling it's still objectively worse

                                                    what will you do when the other team builds linkens on their cores / has heroes like abbadon and od on their team?

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    all role player

                                                      Everyone in here be like "mehh... Morph offlane? Are u stupid!??
                                                      And here comes pro Players try it in tournament And everyone Will be " wow !? Morph offlane newmeta !?"
                                                      Classic Reddit/dotabuffers
                                                      Also I think morph is better jungler than offlaner, he is hard Carry ffs


                                                        morph needs items and stats, in offlane you get mostly xp...thats why you play heros that work with lvl advantage but low farm in offlane...

                                                        im a support player, whenever i see some shit hard carry in the offlane im in heaven.
                                                        i just treant slap the living hell out of him and send him to jungle

                                                        "could work"....there is already stuff that works


                                                          morph off doesnt need many items, You only need exp and a source of mana like mana bots.
                                                          Buy mangos. Dont go full str until you reach lvl 5, try to kill the enemy hc when you reach lvl 6. Buy wind lance, go roaming.

                                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                            What does an offlane morphling even offer compared to the top tier offlaners of this patch?

                                                            Heroes like centaur, beastmaster, weaver, magnus, timber, dark seer, provide superior initiation for their team relatively early in the game, or can bully enemy safe laners off the lane in a 1v1 or even 1v2 situation during the laning phase.

                                                            Can a position 3 morphling do any of that pre-20 minutes?

                                                            He's probably better as a 4 position support and even then only as part of a support duo where the other support has strong burst, like an orge, pudge or sky. Even if your team and enemy team's lineups make morphling a suitable pick, there are probably greedy supports with much higher impact you can pick, like kotl or slardar.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                            Mask of Maldness

                                                              Fuck I hate cookie, so pompous and demeaning

                                                              I just saw this at 7k average so it can't be terrible.

                                                              It was a dual lane tho, idk if morph could solo.


                                                                cookie is one of the nicest guys on dotabuff of the 5k+ players
                                                                even answering to these kind of topics from the human scum of the dota community is a sign of goodwill and kindness
                                                                he makes a fool of you because he cares about you. this is not what you can expect from most other 5k+ players on this forum, including me