General Discussion

General Discussioncan u fucking pls stop adding me for Dota tips?

can u fucking pls stop adding me for Dota tips? in General Discussion

    Apparently people are enough retarded to think I'm good at this game. Then I try to help them, with just some common sense answers and they proceed to be mentally disabled during the whole match.

    I fucking suck at this game, and stop fucking adding me. I don't give a fuck that you're stuck in 1k mmr and frankly don't care.

    Find a fucking coach or a friend that'll coach you, and make sure he's at least 5k mmr. Don't fucking ask for help from 3k people. Are you that retarded?

    If I have to say something I'll say it here, I fucking don't give a fuck about helping random people. Especially since I fucking suck myself. Hopefully I made this clear now

    anyways, i'm gonna go and buy a nice burger now.

    Fucking retarded animals everywhere

    თემა შეიცვალა


      But I had so much patience with you


        People are just braindead

        thinking a 3k guy will be able to help them. And even if I could, i fucking dont care


          lol. this is not something u make a thread about. but i want to thank you for the time and effort you put in to entertain the dotabuff community.

          p.s. a 3k can help a 1k.


            doesnt fucking matter, I just want to be left alone, stop adding me for any help. Because there's no help that'll help you get better at this game unless you really want to, then, just hire a coach or find the help online.

            I highly doubt 1k can get legit help from 3k since both players are equally trash, making more or less same mistakes

            also jdf8

              but sir ur top 100 sf :thinking:


                jokes aside, a 3k is not 'more or less' the same as a 1k.


                  it is

                  the difference is noticable after like 3800, but even then, people are still bad

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Savvy Cat

                    If you suck at dota and want good advice, don't ask anyone between 1k-9k. Ask someone who quit the game and realized what a waste of life it was. Best advice you will ever get. Guaranteed results or your virginity back.


                      Wise words my friend.


                        as much as you are trying to downplay the importance of mmr ranges lower than you to boost your epeen, the difference between a 3k and a 1k is huge.


                          jacked wanna 1v1? xD


                            only if you prepare a plate first. for when i hand your ass to you


                              naw but i cant right now its 12 am


                                A 3k will absolutely wreck 1k so I see no problem with a 1k asking (literally anyone) a 3k for advice. Hell, I am barely 3k and I absolutely wreck 2.0-2.5k mmr.

                                And having DotA knowledge doesn't have everything to do with being good. I mean, Jacked might know 10x more about DotA than Vertoxity, but his reflexes and game making decisions force him to stay in the 1k garbage tier. Kappa.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  that might be true, since I literally mostly go autopilot most of the time


                                  i've played a lot of games in 1k and 2k on my 1k smurf, and realised the skill difference is pretty small

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    jacked is 4k you cuck u dont even get to talk to him directly


                                      Yup youre bad with that win rate lol


                                        well frankly, not everyone has the ability to observe and analyze minute differences in actions. you'd need to know what to look out for. having played in range of 1-4k, i can safely say there is remarkable differences every 500 mmr or so. and i mean huge differences. i dont see how you fail to pick up those differences. its maybe cuz u dont think as much when u are having an easy game.


                                          actually, there's huge enough differnce every 200-300 mmr


                                            So this isn't the real vertoxity?
                                            Last I saw him , he was 4k trying for 5k....................................................................

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Jacked, I[d like to hear what difference you noticed between

                                              ~3500 and 4000
                                              ~1500 and 2500
                                              ~2500 and 3200


                                                alright since i got from 1k to 4k not by climbing but with smurfing (dont hate me it's racist), i could say how i feel about brackets.

                                                sub 1k is just ppl confused. the only difference with bot match is bot match is programmed but at least the program is right just cant make good decisions these guys arent even programmed. there's no need for explanation they've either just started or are just real bad

                                                1-1.5k is generally for ppl who's played for two years or so, didnt really take it as a serious activity and ended up there and now they're stuck since they're just playing the same playstyle over and over again expecting to climb (true for every bracket)

                                                1.5-2k LUL memedota ezdota hideshismmrbutclaimstohavealotofknowledgedota

                                                2-2.5k i didnt experience it but most of my freinds in those brackets are ok players who listen to whatever i say, they dont really tryhard they play just to chill (again not the case with everyone but i could say toxicity level there is just a bit less)

                                                2.5-3k ecksdee these people are funny. probably should mute them after the first signs of tilt or they gonna totally fuck you up

                                                3-3.5k is where i actually saw the first difference in gaming. ppl share tangos, fight less about small stuff, make strategies more, group up, gank mid. basically these guys watched pro players. even if they dont got the decision making power or the mindset of a good player, they do copy the style and i could say are more managable not to tilt.

                                                3.5-4k well again toxicity up, players a bit better, still cant make right decisions, smurfs are seen, and they think they're actually good and others are bad when they come into the game. like from the start they think they're superior beings XD

                                                and didnt go higher sooo. i would think 4ks also think they're hotshot but low 4k has less toxicity since the mmr isnt reaching any milestone and ppl are just chillin'


                                                  I'll tell you the skill difference:

                                                  ~ 1k to 3000 - same shit, people are just a bit faster, still no game sense, very stupid

                                                  ~ 3000 to 3500 - same shit, people can play 1 or 2 heroes on a decent level, still, that doesn't give them any advantage, because playing from behind is still hard for them

                                                  ~ 3500 to 4000 - after like 3800 people are more tryhard, you can see some decent plays, but mostly they still play badly

                                                  ~ 4000 to 4500, I say this is where anything can happen. You can meet decent players, overcalibrated smurfs, ragers(like Benao, 4head)

                                                  Overall, from 1000 to 4000 the biggest difference is basically luck + tryhard and expiriance.

                                                  They are all equally bad for any competent player.

                                                  I was literally playing in all these brackets, as you can see, i got:

                                                  1700 + VHS matches, mostly ranging from 3800 to 4200
                                                  1500+ HS matches, mostly 3300 / 3600+
                                                  250+ NS matches, mostly party

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    apparently I'm in meme land


                                                      there's some important thing tho, dont forget it's all about how you think about it. like a 7k could say everyone below 5k are shit. everyone below 6k is not good, etc


                                                        but im 2 k and can rekt u midd :(


                                                          you reap what you sow

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            calm down honey, at least u let us know ppl ask u for advice!


                                                              @ Hurricane

                                                              Even if you can, that doesn't mean much. 1v1 is just not Dota.


                                                                welp, pls welp me, I need welp...pls sir welp...


                                                                  coach me pls! I'm stuck in 2k mmr and I need help on how to get vhs


                                                                    I have been playing 3-4k's for weeks now, and honestly can't see a difference between themselves and I. They group and push a little more, and take advantage of a team wipe more than 2-3k's, but still make alot of the same mistakes.


                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      You can't see a difference because there's no difference


                                                                        The difference between 1k,2k,3k,4k,5k,6k

                                                                        Etc is enormous in each bracket.

                                                                        It's just that once you're good enough to trash a bracket you just lump them in with the rest.


                                                                          Yeah, I can't see the difference between myself (low 3k) and 4k MMR, but I can wreck 0-2.5k mmr players with almost any hero; Including Chen, Puck and Earth Spirit.

                                                                          I mean, c'mon. I just got to 3k mmr a few days ago. And this happened BEFORE then.


                                                                          Solo offlane LC against a trilane, ended up wrecking it all.

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            P A R T Y  E M A M A R !


                                                                              Yo Shred, teach me how to prepare Čevapčiči like a true Serbian xD


                                                                                Thing about Party MMR, aFeect, is that often I play against players who display 4500+ MMR's for solo. Which in turn makes me want to believe what Vertoxity is saying even more.


                                                                                  plz teach me how to techies so I can get to VHS plz thx bae


                                                                                    party is actually very different compared to solo. I find dumpstering anyone way higher than you is a lot easier in party games than it is in solo q.


                                                                                      5/10 thread

                                                                                      need more pinoys and cyka blyat

                                                                                      Chao Vritra

                                                                                        this is a thread?


                                                                                          I bet this lifestealer saw no difference between him and juggernaut XD even tho jugg's like 2x his mmr, but if that was a solo game he would have been lost, would have no idea what to do and what's going on, he would just feed and feed non stop over and over again, he would feel that everyones 1000 times better than him at everything, but heyy this game was a party game.

                                                                                          Player 404335202



                                                                                              Imo party is waaay harder than solo queue. Every game has 6-7k players when I only have 5.4k party.

                                                                                              My solo is 5.2 (just started playing again so going up slowly just don't have time to grind because of work) and it's so much easier.

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                if it was really harder u wouldn't see 4.2k players with 5.6k party XD


                                                                                                  I never see players with 5.6k party who aren't *minimum* 5.6k solo as well.


                                                                                                    I've seen a lot of low/mid 4k's with mid -low 5k party and a lot of flat- low 5k's with nearly 6k party, I can give a few examples, I don't really care to check it every game, but very often I spot something like that in almost every game, so in the last 15 party games that I've played here you go (:

                                                                                                    sadly I don't remember that game wtf I even played XD there was a guy with 5.1k solo and 6.2k party, and there are tons of games from the past where I've seen low 5k's with high 5k party and then just prob billions of games with low 4k's having 5k+ party, I'm just tired of digging more than 15 games and I remember some had like 600-700 mmr difference between solo and party too, but I think their dotabuff is private and I'm not gonna look in game for sure, anyway fuck this I'm going to sleep. party = ez, solo = hard, that's me.
                                                                                                    Also get carried kid :D

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                      The only thing i notice is
                                                                                                      At 1k i found 1 griefer while at 2k i found none
                                                                                                      More dc and abandon ppl at lower 2k
                                                                                                      Less injoker actually
                                                                                                      But the rest is still same
                                                                                                      Easy to carry
                                                                                                      No brain ppl
                                                                                                      Build silly item
                                                                                                      Av 450 gpm when he always pick carry