General Discussion

General Discussiontips on Morph

tips on Morph in General Discussion

    played some morph before, never did good :(, how do you even farm with this hero, and almost every hero can counter morph with all those burst damage


      Stay hidrated kids


        dont try to rush expensive items on morph,and only pick it if there arent any mana burning heroes like am or even diffusal+manta builders(best examples,jugger,void).


          It's a pretty mediocre hero right now. Usually you want to go linkens->eblade ASAP and then play a heavy splitpush game while picking off people when they come to push out waves/contest you. You are very unkillable in the right game so you can push waves insanely deep and then just replicate to the other side of the map, by doing this you get a large amount of farm and hopefully keep your opponents focused on your split-pushing rather than taking objectives of their own.


            Always go full agi and waveform in clash for insta kill.Guaranteed you 100% win if you do this.