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General DiscussionGoing pro in Dota 2 [LF Advice]

Going pro in Dota 2 [LF Advice] in General Discussion

    @Desolation I made an edit. But yea you are right, it could go both ways, but I'm chasing the 1st one. Btw one of the other reasons I believe I can go pro, is my current skill level compared to my amount of hours in the game. I only have around 2700 hours counting afk hours, and I'm at 4.9k now expecting to reach 5.5k within the next months.


      My advise is to build up a name for yourself.. I followed w33haa since he was solo pubbing with 5-10 viewers on hes stream and he was only getting known because of hes solo MMR and meepo spam, it took years of hard work for him to get noticed. It takes patience and you need to have some fans out there before you truly become "pro" your main income wont be from tournaments etc. Untill absolute top tier teams. Which is why streaming your games will really help in gaining reputation, and allso somewhat of an income.. But first and most importently, you need to make a name for yourself. I would say going for atleast 8k+solo before that you are proberbly not even going to be noticed.


        @Ragnar So do you recommend that I should start streaming now when playing solo, or waiting till I'm higher mmr?


          2700 hours and 4900 is not exactly amazing but it shows some potential
          Just don't ditch school


            1. Be a pub star first.
            2. If nobody knows who you are because you are only 4.8k... who will want you in their teams?
            3. You're not going to get anywhere with TI coming so close, wait another year, reevaluate yourself
            4. If you actually think you are good enough to be "pro", you should easily swim out of that mmr of yours. 7K minimum to even get somebody to look twice at you.

            *Teams re-design rosters usually after big tournaments like TI, be a local star/pub star and the people will find you. I wouldn't waste time forming your own teams unless you have actual professional players with you. It's better to have an underdog player in a team, than an underdog team.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Just want to make sure I get you, focus on climbing solo, not practice too much with my team, and then aim for high mmr?


                yep, get to 7-8k first then get picked up by a real team

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Play solo, like the other person suggested: GO STREAM. Build a name for yourself, a player like you shouldn't focus on going pro with any team right now. Get yourself to a "pro level", get that solo mmr up and build an audience through


                    Alright, I'll focus on climbing solo again then. However I will still play the tier 7 battle cups, and ESL/Zotac tournaments with my team. But on weekdays I'll climb solo.


                      @rmthPMA Do you suggest that I start streaming now, or wait till I reach higher tiers?


                        that won't happen, there's tons of 7k+ players on twitch who get no viewers at all.

                        you gotta make a name for yourself first


                          Stream now if you got everything ready to go. If you are determined for this career, streaming is already an investment of your time, so take pride in it. Don't expect thousands of viewers the very second you turn your stream on. It takes time, like I said it's an investment, be prepared to dedicate yourself to this if you actually want viewers coming back to you.

                          *But also like cookie said, that's true, however don't be like those streamers who doesn't even own a webcam, nobody wants to look at you play like that, unless you're a pro.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            i'd focus on grinding mmr rather than streaming, streaming is a giant time sink

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              You have to be unique in steam to let people enjoy watching you - RTZ got babyrage Singsing got the troll.

                              I suggest you dress and make up like a sexy or cute girl when you streaming - you sure will get you fame alot faster.

                              or another idea is you cosplay each hero that you are playing - it also sound cute

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                lol icetea. Seriously tho, streaming is only beneficial to you if you have the time and effort to put into it, otherwise don't bother at all, just climb.

                                *Streaming is time consuming, but also requires a great deal of time to build an audience for yourself.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Start streaming for lul


                                    @Cookie I'm not planning to do much about streaming, won't be active with chat or use webcam, I'll just stream me grinding mmr with music. I probably won't talk besides when I talk ingame. @rmthPMA I'm well aware of that, it'll just be some kind of passive streaming, if you think it's worth it.


                                      Like, I can stream, but it won't be an interactive stream, at least not in the start. The question is if anyone would watch me just grinding mmr, and talking with the team, because I'm not very sure.


                                        You'll get viewers that watch you...for a few minutes, but if you are grinding mmr, and that is your goal, then just do that. Don't stream at the same time, you're not killing two birds with one stone here. It's really not worth it. Many players stream themselves grinding or boosting with music in the background, it's really not that enjoyable. Remember that streaming is effectively entertaining, unless you are a professional like miracle- and people like to watch how he plays, don't stream and not communicate with chat.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Alright, at least I'll leave it be until I reach higher tiers


                                            glhf man!


                                              Thanks for the advice bro! I'm off to watch replays


                                                if you dress up as a girl ill watch every stream no hom0


                                                  dude i might not be great at dota to give you pro opinion like every 1k to 7k who did, but i know a lot about achieving goals and mentality and stuff. (i studied on special students middle school and talented students high school, know english pretty well and got toefl and i'm like top 0.1% in our country, and i've read a lot of books about success and i totally feel myself getting closer to my goals everyday)

                                                  so i would first suggest you not to take any comment very seriously like changing your whole opinion based on a comment.
                                                  totally skip the you can't do it and only 0.000001% can do it and stuff if it was a lottery they were right but that percent of ppl were ppl and honestly you can't put their professionalism on their "talents". they just did things differently, cared enough to do things that others would laugh if you told them to do so or would say it's a waste of time, and didnt really care about other ppl's opinion. dont get me wrong opinions could help you gain a better prespective but if you really focus on a 7k telling you 8k is the least to go pro you're limiting yourself to another guy's limiting thought.

                                                  skipping that, to get to your goal first you gotta learn how to achieve your goals (any goals). if you dont do that part you gonna be running like a headless chicken cause you know dota and maybe you know how to improve at it but you dont know the mentality and the techniques to make your dream future 100% come true (not even 99). i've already gone down the road so i would give you some suggestions you could either do them or ignore them really doesnt make any difference in my life :D (others who have goals to be achieved i suggest you do this too)

                                                  okay so first thing is you gotta read a book which is the book that changed my whole life. it is "change your thinking change your life" by brian tracy. this book is the holy book of not onlu giving you direction to achieve whatever you want but also living happily in every aspect of like which i dont think many ppl do.

                                                  after that make a plan step by step
                                                  analyse your everyday and how your time passes and stop any small time waste of the day like chitchating and just watching some video and etc.
                                                  set daily goals for tomorrow each night,for next week each weekend, for next month and year too AFTER you've set your whole life's plan and what you wanna achieve till you die in general.
                                                  stay motivated with different methods like visualising yourself already winning ti and getting that aegis up your head and stuff. it gives you extra amount of energy

                                                  also, good luck on your journey dude hope u make it :3 also if u wanna talk some more add me on this acc


                                                    also a little tip:
                                                    if u dont got something new to show, ppl arent gonna be attracted to your product (or here maybe stream or inviting you to their team)
                                                    icetea said something there; rtz got babyrage and singsing memes, bulldog had the grills and was fun to watch and streamed more than others so he was availabe more, dendi was the first well known player ive heard and puppey has his calm face and interacts with fans nicely even if envy blog was all true. have you own "thing"

                                                      კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                        You're never going to make it with that attitude. You're too carefree and not serious at all, if you were you'd realize all we're saying and had done something about it already. I see no committement either. Quit school if you want, you won't get any better at the game. Your chances at going pro won't increase either. And I took a swift look at the so call best game you beat an 8k stack or something. Your impact was non-existent. That game did not result in a way thanks to your performance so tone it down a notch or 10, you're just not any good, yet, or at all. Why not show us how you got wrecked 2 times in the international qualifier? And you still think someone would entrust YOU with a core 1 position? Keep dreaming.

                                                        Do something about your attitude towards this whole shit, then do something about considerable about how to reach your goals in the shortest time possible. Then see how long you got and assess yourself/ask us on the chances of you having a professional future on this game.


                                                          Whatever man think what you want, I didn't have much impact in that game no, so what, I was solo vs Centaur, I think you're just mad that you're still stuck in 4k bracket after 5700 games. And therefore you're just gonna fire your broken dreams at someone else, which is not a very nice thing to do. Whatever man, I really don't care about your negative opinion, actually it just gives me motivation to prove a sad being like you wrong.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            And what lack of committement are you talking about? I play 40-55 hours of Dota 2 a week, I watch replays in my schooltime, how is that not committement?


                                                              mimimi :')

                                                              Point proven


                                                                typical benao would mute him in 5/7 of my games if he's in my team

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  daily reminder that benao has more games than me 4head


                                                                    Her er det bedste råd samlet af flere års intens research: Git gud

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      To cut the story time I would just advice you to practice regulary.

                                                                      lol, why cutting me? :(

                                                                      fear is the mind killer

                                                                        stick to vaporwave

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Why do you have to drop your entire life to test the dota pro waters? You aren't going to be in any major tournaments for a while, you need to grind some mmr, what's it going to take like 5-6 hours a day max? You should have time for school and that. Do you know how many people do school and full time jobs?


                                                                            only valuable post(s) in this whole thread is from kitrak


                                                                              and me


                                                                                You should realize first that if you are not the top 0.1% of players you are not going to have a proper occupation, a proper team, nor a proper fanbase. Commitment to the game is one thing but transitioning into a professional gamer is another, you need sponsorships, connections, and above all, you need to prove yourself that you are relevant. Also most of the pros AFAIK have a backup job in case something goes wrong, you need a plan B because honestly the esports scene in DOTA 2 is relatively underdeveloped compared to established sports that has proper leagues such as NBA and FIFA.

                                                                                The way you are right now, your chances of getting a proper team that can compete at the highest level (TI) is very very slim, you need to get yourself noticed by top players or some friends and get a team, compete in small tournaments and work your way up to eveantully get scouted by bigger teams.

                                                                                You are still relatively underage, even if you are 7k 8k I highly suggest you think about this for a very, very long time. 3 months isnt going to cut it I think.


                                                                                  Finish high school. Take a year off after and chase your DOTA dream. Set a real goal ( After one year off, played in x tournments, have 6.5k solo mmr for example etc.) You reach your goals, keep going and set higher ones.

                                                                                  Did you fail to reach your goals? Well accept the fact you may be good, but you won't be "pro" good. Enjoy the game and remember its just a game.

                                                                                  Go to school and get job etc... aka grow up

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    stand in for bone7

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      Her er det bedste råd samlet af flere års intens research: Git gud

                                                                                      "intens research" lol


                                                                                        ppl should understand that being the top 0.1% isn't about just being there u GET there so if he went real fast till almost 5k in a low amount of time and he's willing to tryhard he could do it. so could phantom riki kappa (first part srs)


                                                                                          I mean, in just October i was 2.5k and now im 4.9, I just need to continue progressing


                                                                                            That just means you're a low 2k noob.

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              I don't think thats how it works.


                                                                                                I'm not quite sure if you're serious or not. Forresten, tak for dit svar, har ikke tænkt mig at droppe ud, i det mindste ikke før jeg skal til noget rigtig stort.


                                                                                                  som ikke kommer til å skje snart


                                                                                                    As long as im not 4k when I have 5700 games