General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer this patch?

Lifestealer this patch? in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    So i havent played him much most my games are from when i first started dota which left me with a bad taste in my mouth for him (because i was bad so i just thought it was the heroes fault) But i played him 3 times in the past day and it feels just sooooo good you just win the lane and snowball all game ..... is he actually good or just a few lucky games?

    Thanks for reading <3


      He was good before patch. He is still good (-3 base dmg is nothing).
      Win your safelane or go jungling in case of troubles.
      Ez hero. Bulletproof mmr gain


        he is good, but!
        leveling is slower overall, and his base damage is lower a little, so you are farming with him slower than compared to other similar heroes like ursa, legion, but he is ok, especially if enemy has many rooting heroes.


          Nothing changed

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Don't play versus Slark and have Slardar in team = +25

            casual gamer

              have Slardar in team = +25
              have Slardar in team = +25
              have Slardar in team = +25

              ding ding ding we have a winner


                Lifestealer works with any blink initiator or exceptionally mobile hero. Ive been thinking of magnus mid with lifestealer too.

                Dire Wolf

                  His win rates are all below 50% except in 5k probably cus of endless' answer about slardar in that bracket.

                  But it's hard to gauge cus he still plays an absurd amount of games in jungle, 42% at 46% win rate, which can really hamper your team, and he still builds midas far too often. If you cut those retards out his safe lane win rate is almost 51%.

                  He's good, not outstanding. He counters certain heroes well but still susceptible to kiting and not as good late game as many other carries.


                    Mag is OK but you need good co-ordination because if you sit in the Mag for a long period of time you pop out with no empower which ruins half the point of having a Magnus. Slardar is the classic combo and if you only ever pick Slard in games where they have low save and you have a semi-competent Slardar the game is usually very easy.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Hero requires some team coordination

                      Ave with an internet pfp

               meanwhile LS + slarder in my 2k game with my friend .-. . Why the fuck is the Ls infest me instend of a slarder

                        Ave with an internet pfp

                 meanwhile LS + slarder in my 2k game with my friend .-. . Why the fuck is the Ls infest me instend of a slarder


                            On my 2nd acc I was slardar and had a safelane naix. Immediately I thought ez game, but they rotated as 5 and took safelane t1 8 minutes in, our dazzle told us he isn't supporting anymore.
                            Not so ez mmr bois