General Discussion

General DiscussionTales of the Trench - The Slippery slide down to 1 MMR

Tales of the Trench - The Slippery slide down to 1 MMR in General Discussion

    I am Garbage Can, currently 69 MMR extraordinaire

    To start things off, just a little bit about me.
    I am your regular Dota 2 player from the AUS/SEA region.
    Can only play Offlane with some decency and have a pathetically tiny hero pool. MMR range (4.3-4.9k) on a few accounts - have never hit 5k before and more than likely never will.
    I'm a Mildly Toxic Individual

    What TRIGGERED me:

    I started out like the rest of you fine folk, pressing onward in that relentless quest for MMR gain to validate my pitiful existence. However, like some of you may have experienced along the way, I eventually burnt out after a particularly terrible stretch of games consisting of a combination of bad play (on my part), Chernobyl-toxic level teammates and individuals who basically run their internet through a toaster.

    It was then in my time of darkness that a moment of clarity came to me. In short, it all boiled down to 1 simple question.

    Why strive to be #1 mmr when you can be the number one mmr?

    Surely your boasts on all chat and country chat would be the same if you phrase your words wisely. I decided to seriously weigh up the positive and negatives of being a number one MMR Trench Lord Master Race and have listed below a couple of more prominent point(s) for each.

    -You will be a GOD among mere mortals. Rampages are farmed at will, any hero any build don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Be creative.
    -Perfect environment to conduct experiments eg. human psychology and to further understand the breakdown of human relations and interactions.
    -Milking the SH*T out of Battle passes (eg. tier 3 battlecups, wagers, hero questlines) -basically buy a lvl 1 battle pass once after which you can sell the rewards you get at each level on steam market and keep whatever you like. It pays for itself and you can use those funds to purchase the next b-pass etc etc
    -Banter is real and in this utopia there is no such thing as MMR anxiety. I personally like to leave party mmr normal so I can still get some decent games. If you lose, you are 1 mmr, there is no shame. If you win, unleash all your righteous fury on the opposing team and sincerely question their inability to defeat your 1 mmr mad skillz.

    - You are officially a disgusting human being in need of professional help in all areas of your life.


    For the whole process starting from MMR calibration, I will be using this account Garbage Can as the case study.

    Starting a new account from scratch seemed like it would be a lot of work. Therefore, I reached out to some former friends who have since retired and got a calibration-ready account to start my grind. Obviously having a low MMR unranked base to start from is the best however all I could get my hands on at that moment was that. (1’st calibration game average: 3.6k MMR).

    For this account, I had decided on using Riki as my calibration hero. I like having the permanent invisibility and it helps you to move around map. Teammates start to think you are actually roaming or stealing runes, finding enemy courier etc etc when in actual fact you are frolicking in the forests doing close to nothing.
    My item progression: Iron Talon to Tranquil boots to Wand
    Things I did:
    1. Try to drag out the game as long as possible (40mins is a fair duration)
    2. Do not exceed 2k hero damage
    3. Do not exceed 5 CS for the whole game
    4. Try to remain below level 8
    5. ~ 16 deaths per game

    For Reference:

    For the calibration games, Low prio is inevitable and you just have to suck it up and clear those games especially if you start off your calibration at a decent MMR range. However, towards the end when you start getting into the 1k+ avg mmr games, your efforts or lack thereof become less noticeable as your team has limited awareness of what is going on and may themselves be feeding as well therefore with some luck you may avoid low prio towards the end.

    End result: Shaved about 2.2k MMR off my unranked and ended with a calibration of about 1.4k+

    I'll write part 2 here in a bit (From 1.4k to 1MMR)

    doc joferlyn simp

      Pretty good, do what you want man go wild.


        in case you didn't notice you ruin others game and thus you have no right to complain when someone ruin your game , keep it up


          ^+......tldr. You suck if you do that.


            Part 2: Sabotage and Conflict Creation (From 1.4k MMR to 1MMR)

            I’m sure everyone has thought of just running down mid with their hero and courier resulting in easy red games and mmr loss.

            However, the problem with that are as follows:
            1. Behaviour score is now dog shit and will probably affect your games down the line.
            2. Unavoidable wave of 5 low prio games for every 1 to 2 ranked game throws.
            - Its inefficient for most and SUPER inefficient especially for noobs with small hero pools like me.

            Taking that into consideration, I had to find a way to lose mmr tactically while at the same time making sure that games will result in an early abandon or a lost.

            - FIRST PICK A JUNGLER
            Explain cause your lagging at the moment and waiting for things to clear up – whatever hero you are comfortable with is fine (I usually WK). Starting items – Iron talon and either a salve/courier
            Reason 1: Out of teammates field of vision allows you manipulate the game without appearing too suspicious eg. standing still doing nothing, using shrines for no reason. Random glyphs and playing with the courier.
            Reason 2: You being in jungle means 1 of the other lanes other than mid has to solo and at this MMR, 2 heroes in a lane will always beat 1.

            - COURIER WARS
            Always have a courier! The whole plan basically revolves around your courier. If someone gets it for the team great, if not it is your responsibility to buy it. Sometimes I opt to get courier myself as it makes you more credible when you feign outrage at your teammates for feeding the courier.

            Wait till everyone is in lane and creeps spawn before sending your courier off on the voyage of death. Select your courier and right click on – team hero/enemy creep/enemy hero/enemy tower, by doing this it does not show the hero portrait of who is controlling it. ALWAYS run it down the lane with 2 of your team’s heroes and that is the trigger for the conflict to begin.

            Spark the outrage by asking what happened to the courier. 9/10 times the lane partners will go full rage on each other with insults and loud cursing over mic. Plead with your teammates to not play with the courier as this is a ranked game and MMR is life also offer false promises of commendations if team is to win.

            At this stage, mid and the other lane are embarking on the walk of shame back and forth to base to get their items therefore missing out on gold and exp. On the other hand opponents are getting free lanes and free courier gold.

            RINSE AND REPEAT, better still if someone has items on the courier. Force all attention on the lane feeding the courier and sway your teammates into picking sides so we can all report “the culprit” together.

            Scenario 1: Chosen one (culprit) has had enough. You know what screw it everyone is blaming me and I’m gonna get reported anyway. I’m Out – Abandon Forced. This is the best case as it leaves you with 2 options. 1. Leave the game immediately (efficiency) or 2. Emerge from the jungle and carry your trench team on your broad shoulders. Win and farm commendations! PLEASE remember to abandon before game ends though so you still get that MMR lost.

            Scenario 2: Chosen one decides you know what since you are blaming me anyway, Screw everyone, I’m gonna do it and feed both my hero and courier – easy MMR lost

            Scenario 3: Team isn’t actually doing that bad and while everyone is raging they are still playing the game. After a few courier deaths, play the diva card and tell your team screw this, you are not defending anymore (though you were never defending to begin with), 1 or more of your teammates will probably join you AFK-ing to save time. Tell enemy team to end fast.

            Scenario 4: Your team is winning by a large margin due to significantly worse players on the other team or hero picks. In this case just end as quick as possible and move on to the next. Remember it’s all about efficiency and funny enough you can’t lose them all.

            Also, lastly note that throughout this whole time, you are still jungle farming with the occasional kill on an enemy and should easily be the highest lvl and net worth hero on your team therefore avoiding suspicions. “No one suspects the best player of intentionally throwing”

            Well that’s one of the methods. Sorry for the essay I’m just incredibly bored at work.
            Good luck and all the best to whoever embarks on this journey. May the Trench be with you.

            TLDR: Guide to lose mmr until you are the number one mmr in the region. WITHOUT GETTING INTO LOW PRIORITY


              include a bit about use of patrol command


                Im gonna go ahead and bookmark this

                A waifu a day keeps socie...

                  the fuck is this rofl

                  1 MMR SOLO

                    Wow op is legit... this is exactly what i thought of and what i did...

                    1 MMR SOLO

                      I just want add on one trick/tip which i think maybe useful to anyone who want to reach "the lord of the trench" goal one day.

                      Lone druid is the best hero to spam. By feeding your bear intentionally from the start to the game, u are actually giving your opponents a whooping 300 gold each time. And the good thing is, at the end of the game, u will not have the most death.

                      Your teammates will probably be too stupid at 0to1500mmr to even know what u are doing and hence will not report u.


                        @*blocks your path* Tbh i never used it lmao, learn something new everyday.

                        @1 MMR SOLO haha I'll probably stick to WK, feeding bear kinda goes against my whole tactical under-the-radar scheme of things.

                        Also heres the link of games for reference:


                          Sorry man didn't read the long post, is this your smurf account? if it is play your main since you are claiming you have 4. something k mmr so why stick on this account?

                          The Medic Guy

                            for fun ofc


                              ^^^ EXACTLY!

                              I can't even call this a smurf. If i had to classify it, I would say its the ultimate trench have fun kick ass doto account. It is not comparable to the other 4k accounts. They bring different types of enjoyment :) Sometimes you just gotta have fun and let loose.

                              The Medic Guy

                                yeah, you usually get mad when lose at main account, but you don't with fun account.


                                  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh K.


                                    so good


                                      The real mmr inflator
                                      Making mmr out of nothing

                                      fear is the mind killer

                                        wait what


                                          Seeing how many people are aiming for and actually achieving 1 mmr, it wouldn't surprise me if, eventually, you'll find better opponents in the 0-500 MMR range than in the 4k range.


                                            @[Lk].Zano Sometimes you even meet boosters, you just have to psychological warfare them.


                                            Not Saske

                                              888 mmr and counting down

                                              1 MMR SOLO

                                                Huskar , spiritbreaker and lone druid the easiest 3 heroes to reach 1 mmr.