General Discussion

General DiscussionHello guys

Hello guys in General Discussion

    dude u srsly could do it :(

    also damn fire you played like a whole day didnt you take a break? my brain would just go dead if i play more than 4 games in a row without any nap also my eyes

    casual gamer

      when i was in 4k round 2 i pick necrophos and mk because they rape lane and can win fights all game

      mr. rabbit

        im actually disgusted of myself now


          necro still ye but mk? ~~


            Let's make it mega thread
            Do comment below

            casual gamer

              when mk was op


                No wonder i havent seen you online. Add!


                  That's actually the problem in 3k - 4k, people just rush like retards to fight, even if they have no chance of winning. If you use ur mic and be like EE "GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK GET ROSHAN DROP YOUR STICK" it's actually so easy to win if they listen to you XD It's so pointless even if you win your lane hard, some players are just so fucking bad, they just go and die for some stupid reason. You got 3 options: 1 is if you're really fucking good, your gonna win playing anything 2 is just use your mic and hope they listen to you and 3 is pick more suitable hero. I'm gonna use mic from now, hopefully they will listen, it's actually fucking triggering, you destroy mid, get some kills on everyone, take rosh, get some towers, push hg, then u use the aegis and either continue pushing or get back and wait for the next rosh and the game should end @25 - 30mins, but nope in the meantime they will just continue feeding while u want to chill and wait for rosh or some items. In some games it's actually fucking hard to snowball, because they are sticking as 5, I still find a way to kill someone mostly a support and get away with it, but it's just much harder when they go as 5, all u can do is split push and hopefully get pick offs that way.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    rofl I used my mic last game and it was finally a 30min game mostly without any stupid deaths from my teammates, except there was this 1 player who went jungle that was afk all game pretty much, but at least he listened to me when I asked him to gank or come with us and stop farming in our jungle when we're pushing mid rax x) and don't be like this guy there's potm and we don't have detection and he has a lot of gold for it idk was he saving for arcanes or w/e, but WARDS/DETECTION > any item ur close to.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Fire can i ask what heroes did you use at 3.8 to 4k?


                        Mostly SF I think
                        But it shouldnt matter, just play whatever you like


                          My conclusion: Never blame your teammates is a myth. You CAN certainly blame your teammates sometimes.



                            ^ never blame your team mates because it wont help u win

                            1 more game for 1k mmr gained wew 90% wr with magnus xD

                            @ tommorow sf storm ta invo mostly

                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              I cant win games.....


                                4.4k boys 1k mmr gained

                                started at 3.4k

                                edit: it took 8 days

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  we got ourselves a game


                                    Is that part or solo?


                                      w/e im singlehandedly losing it


                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Fire is showing us that mmr system actually works correct. Despite he is a 6k player who hasnt been playing the game for months he can still climb anyting below easy.

                                        We all need to stop bitching about trench, mmr hell etc. and stop bullshittn including myself.

                                        If you are at certain bracket you are where you belong and need to improve some things to climb.


                                          @arin dont blame urself i didnt do my best too was too tired and the rest of the team did throw too so meh

                                          @mad i agree with you that mmr system is working correctly even tho i havent played since 6 months 90% of my games even the loses i stomp my lane so hard even in 1v3 offlane and my skill is increasing rapidly need a week or so to get to my best again


                                            How do u stomp 1v3?


                                              so Fire, did the game become harder now?
                                              i see you are more or less in the level i am now, what can you say about it?

                                              casual gamer

                                                super easy to trash worse players than u in the offlane because you get a fuckton of free xp and then u take good trades because ur overlevelled and u spot their mistakes but they dont spot urs so u kill them and then suddenly ur 6

                                                i solo killed a jugg as abaddon in a 1v2 lane wtih lion camping him/zoning, people play like retards especially if you tilt them


                                                  but you lost the game with abadont you nob...

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    yes my tb dropped his items and ran down mid



                                                      @kor let me be honest the skill of the players is still way lower than mine but they do punish agressive plays with tps sometimes now, but i still can kill the midlaner + the ganker most of the time and they still ward get dewarded then ward the same place look at my mk game i was roaming i dewarded the same ward spot 5 or 6 times lol then i asked the enemy to stop warding it cuz its stupid, tbh the hardest thing in this bracket for me is im getting huge then my team die 1 by 1 and i lose, most of the games in this bracket goes to who doesnt go die 1 by 1, positioning is 1 of the thing that keeps people from gaining mmr imo, if ur at this bracket u should work on your positioning, warding, and how to not get baited, will talk more about it when i reach 4.6k or 4.7 since ill be in a new bracket


                                                        Btw the reason i get the people that go run 1 by 1 and die is because most of the time i stomp the enemy early to mid game and my team see that we r stomping them so they become cocky and careless, while the enemy are scared of losing so they play better, thats the main reason this bracket is giving me cancer, stomp early team get cocky and feed the lead


                                                          nice to see u back tho u probably dont know me
                                                          what price did u manage to sell the account for?

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            in my experience playing 4.5k i just pick tinker and every game lasts for 45 mins because my team doesnt want to push when i can 100-0 their entire team before they realize im casting spells


                                                              Then dont pick tonker
                                                              Oh wait

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                u got me! xd


                                                                  arin must use every thread to trashtalk about his mmr games what a fucktard


                                                                    4.5k reached lets keep going


                                                                      :D keep us updated on mistakes of the brackets and thoughts


                                                                        i just played a game which almsot made me kill myself lmfao i was magnus and i had axe offlane viper safe bh roaming and wr jungle, for 30 mins wr did nothing but jungle our viper was doing next to 0 but at least he was playing and our bh went fucking afk but axe and i managed to win what a retarded game tbh


                                                                          but i see that you now strugle much more?
                                                                          or is it just different heroes, and if you continue to pick sf/ember you would still stomp same?


                                                                            Id say if i keep going mid or safelane id stomp most of my games as u see my games with those heroes r mostly stomps but at this mmr they rnt letting me mid or carry as much

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              ^Not let you mid,even with your great profile state?
                                                                              you should go jungle then lul

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Did you stomp your lane like 5-0 with sf in 3k?
                                                                                8day 1000mmr
                                                                                10day 800mmr :DDD


                                                                                  how far are you going to continue with this series/are you making this acc your main acc?

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    ^Look at his first comments lazy snail


                                                                                      Fx talk to me when you have joined the super 63% ranked winrate club

                                                                                      Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                        I'd say going mid is much easier to end up in a stomp than going safelane.
                                                                                        Or should I say, if your team's mid is retard, it's much easier for the game to fall under than if it's your safe laner who might get back in his groove with a little bit space opened up any time.


                                                                                          Im 63 winrate lmao


                                                                                            How can you deal with this? You are mid invo vs storm and bane mid. Supp will not help you. Bane will go enfeebled lv 1 and took your damage away l.(bane camp mid)


                                                                                              ye this will be my main, i will keep it till 5k maybe more if ppl want it, atm im having some fun cuz im bored of 1v5 all games so ill just rest a bit


                                                                                                that's why you tell them ''hey im boosting, give me mid/carry"


                                                                                                  @Bws i will commit suicied, the best thing u can do is wwe yourself and try to get as much lasthits till higher levels, agro the creeps into urside of the hill and wait for a mistake of there side, if ur other lanes r doing well bane will mostly have to go help the others

                                                                                                  @cookie yes is that wrong to do?look my last games underlord pheonix centaur magnus monkey king, necro rubick, any of them is one of my strong heroes?only magnus is 1 of the heroes id use if i want to tryhard


                                                                                                    you can add me fire if you want to party play :)
                                                                                                    i like to get ez mmr! :D