General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero can deal the highest possible damage in a single spell usage?

Which hero can deal the highest possible damage in a single spell usage? in General Discussion
~ki!L $wIt(H~

    A tb using sunder on a pudge with very high flesh heap number" Theoretically 10k hp pudge reduced to 3000 (with spell res), with 7000 damage on paper. Anything else?


      Zeus using arc lightning on pudge with 1 trillion hp. Honestly any scaling ability on infinite hp pudge works, bit of a meaningless question tbh.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        ET ult with 5 1 Trillion HP pudge's.


          Tuskar ultimate is lethal on level 25, usually by level 25 you have very good items already.
          Silver edge gives 225 starting damage, then you have around 120+300 damage from Items and all this damage is 500% multiplied.
          so if you go for the right build you can already make 100% 3225 starting damage with your ultimate.
          i'm not even talking if you have something like divine, but as tusk is one of most dying heroes, divine is pretty much suicidal on him.

          other heroes like kunka/pa/chaos knight/earth shaker can do similar damage, but it all depends on chance to them.
          One more heroe that damage output can be insane is legion, but its also just on duel count ant buriza.


            i don't think that sunder is calculated as damage in the first place

            a right click from pudge/silencer/lc would be lethal if the game goes to infinite


              And then the single biggest spell to heal all that hp swap would be weaver with aghs

              my stummy hurts

                not counting the retarded infinitely scaling shit it's lion's agh's ult (1 instance) with 1025*5=5125 magic damage and invoker agh's meteor (multiple instances) 3168*5=15840 magic damage


                  black hole?


                    also sunder doesnt count as damage
                    you wanna see void TB every game?

                    Ryan Gosling Fan

                      I think leshrac ulti got the highest dmg on Single usage.


                        Midnight pulse


                          Something that called icefrog