General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Community so triggered and toxic?

Dota Community so triggered and toxic? in General Discussion

    Does anyone know a historical reason why the community of Dota 2 is so damn toxic? I havent been playin the game that long but SC / WoW and other games arent this bad. Some ppl act like shit heads for no apparent reason. Why do ppl play to lose.... Someone pls educate a noob.


      because its the internet and there is annonymity and you will likely never see these people again


        not a whole lot you can do about that
        and some people are just assholes, just deal with it


          lol i remember playing wc3 dota in a computer club (not internet cafe/there was just lan) no one was that toxic cause if you talked shit people would approach you in real life :D good times

          Giff me Wingman

            It's pretty simple really. It's the nature of the game that makes people salty.
            If someone feeds it direcly affects even the good player on that team.

            In CS:GO, SC, WoW and other games, just because someone plays bad doesn't mean you can rek other people.


              Threads like this trigger me a lot. :rage:

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Danish Blunt gets it.

                I remember playing Battlefield 2-3.
                You could have someone on your team who went 1 kill 44 deaths and it didn't matter. you may have lost the match but no one cared because it was individual stats such as KDA that everyone cared about.

                In dota you have 4 team mates and 5 enemies. One person who decides to be a toxic asshat can single handedly ruin his 4 team mates who will then suffer the -25 mmr, which MMR is the stat that everyone cares about.The team aspect and the influence each member has on a game is so high vs a first person shooter. Coupled together with the internet anonymity that you can say whatever you want and have no negative consequences.

                The final ingredient to the toxic soup that is dota (the salt) is the fact that most players think they are amazing and the best and special snowflake that is being held back by the noob teammates. When pointing out a flaw in an item build, "hey jugg we could really use a diffusal against that Omni knight instead of a BFury" his response should be " oh damn, your right I'll build it ASAP"

                Instead you get "F you nublet, muted reported" and if jug dies well he may just kill his items.

                Also the average age of people playing this game is 12-18???? and the maturity level is clearly lacking (aka I f'ed your mom)

                Yep, that about sums it up.


                  @D__Deck it was a serious question... I have played alot of RTS games before and it just seems like ppl have varying interpretations on the various aspects of the game.. especially how to win the game. When ppl dont agree they are so quick to turn on the team.. Solo ranked, whichever team tilts first loses


                    Also the average age of people playing this game is 12-18????

                    I think it's more around the 18-25 age range. Where did you find this statistic?


                      @ HotSalza.

                      I didn't find em, I just estimated. I have no idea honestly what the age demographic hence the multiple question marks.
                      Based on my experience with respect to the amount of tilt,salt and whining It was a loosely educated guess.

                      Your age range makes alittle more sense.

                      @Poscarryplayer. my personal experience was that in 3.5 to 4k mmr your statement about which team tilts first is correct. I've found since I've been up in 4.2-4.5 range the people are generally more reasonably and less likely to throw. they will still flame you until your covered in 3rd degree burns but won't kill items and feed couriers...... usually.

                      All bets are off with Peruvians however.


                        ROFL... Im pushing so hard right now to get to the non-toxic or i should say less toxic 4.5 range... where ppl start to get a sense of how to end a game and not be retarded.


                          1. It's a free game
                          2. You're anonymous
                          3. You still need some cooperation from your teammates to win to some extent
                          4. It's actually competitive so losing can be quite heartbreaking for some people


                            i dunno, ive been playing a lot of overwatch recently and theres a ton of salt and intentional feeding. about 1/4 of ranked games are decided by one guy fucking shit up for his team on purpose. not unique to dota.

                            The Medic Guy

                              because E-deek always larger than Real-deek


                                4.5 range... where ppl start to get a sense of how to end a game and not be retarded.

                                Man are you gonna be disappointed


                                  ^tbh it may change since the acct boosters and buyers will now go to 3.5k


                                    Why are people so obsessed with mmr
                                    Fun fun fun fun fun fun


                                      I havent felt any toxicity, yet
                                      Maybe the more you dwell in this game the more toxic you become :thinking:


                                        @ Junsui

                                        When I got to 4.5k it was significantly better then what I saw in 3.5 k mmr.

                                        Perhaps the whole bahavior score thing factors in.

                                        High behavior score, better teammates. Less salt.


                                          Even pro player toxic, you know that ?
                                          Ask Puppey that, and he will throw his keyboard and yell "FIGHT ME !!!"



                                            LOL bonus points for the memes....

                                            you raise a very good point. Look at all the babyrage memes, the Puppy stuff.. THE EE throws and salt.
                                            Suppose it just depends on the player.

                                            Guess people on the internet are assholes and that is just how it will be.

                                            I do enjoy a bit of flaming now and again, for ex. when I pick phoenix and they HC with ursa. IF I solo kill ursa I will do a good old " Lol nice counter"


                                              I hear out of all the pros puppey is the biggest prick of them all. Or at least my cousin who went to TI6 said so when he spoke to him so I believe it. Even on the streams though you see toxic pros.


                                                I find I can tolerate a few games of salt before It effects my game. Perhaps just taking a few hour break to play another game or do something else might help you tolerate salt and not let it effect you.


                                                  Its a lot about each other, as butterfly effect works, you can change a lot in youre game by kind words, all around friendly etc, so be that one who is nice and you never more care about those who are just retarded, but its very often just a bad reaction to each other.But honestly im nice and ppl around my games 90% as well.

                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                    Because people cant take a joke in 2016-2017 anymore, call anyone a delusional cu_ck and get banned for 15 days


                                                      DOTES is just a really toxic game no need for explanation hahaha, its just naturally like that unless you fight with bots.

                                                      all role player

                                                        I really like to throw in ranked.. I dont really Know the purpose to have high mmr. After watching rtz stream I feel high mmr doesnt mean the game' is fun.
                                                        And I think throw is fun because they usually rage And says Will reported me but I Said I Will commend all of u And I got zero report after feeding 5 games :X