General Discussion

General Discussionjuggernaut item build

juggernaut item build in General Discussion

    hi guys its me the new scrub again, since i got told to try to stop my jungling habit and learn how to lane, i did so, and after trying out some heroes on bot matches i think jugg fits me the most
    so i asked like 5 people in my school how to itemize juggernaut and got 5 different answers
    the most reliable and detailed one i got is from bws but i would like to hear some second thoughts (he said he still dont know when is the best time to get blink)


      i already asked xd

      Erdal Kömürcü

        i do buy some stat items these changing for situations like magic wand when i have a skill spammer in lane or poor man shield when i have range hero hitting these for safe farming and then getting my boots most of time i get power treads but phase works well too after it yasha and then basher depends on opposite heroes and their heroes i build manta first and you can just get diffusal blade instead of manta thats a good item too on him after these you can up Abyssal Blade then butterfly or anything you like

        white boy summer

          lol u have people playing this game in your school? lucky u

          casual gamer

            hotd manta mael blink mj abyssal skadi/bkb

            or something

            Sugar Show

              Lane juggernaut is for normies...True man use Junglenaut.
              1)Start with talon, tango, and critic.
              2)Farm lower camp twice to gain XP and use the gold buy 1 ward (Jungle awareness) + 3 clarity. Go for mid camp.
              3)Took the bounty rune so you'll be Lv3, get healing ward Lv2 use it at Big camp, return to base and use sanctuary.
              4)Go to the other jungle, use healing ward and start with big camp, next mid camp.
              5)Repeat, use clarity to keep using healing ward and keep ulti ready.
              6)Once hit 6 take attention to lanes and gank the weakest enemy at disposition.
              7)Get Blade fury at Lv7 not before cause this is useless in jungle. Item builds are optional.


                Yeah, what jdf8 said, I usually get blink after maelstrom, but you can fit it in earlier if you have disables/lack mobility


                  probably rapiers


                    Phase->helm->manta then either diffu if you want to hit a timing or mael otherwise. Dagger is situational, some games you need it others you don't, use your brain when to get it. After diffu/mael I like skadi a lot but plenty of items work on the hero.