General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm TA questions vs SF

Storm TA questions vs SF in General Discussion

    Storm and TA can farm camps and lane quickly, is it worth it to try to get SF or just push wave and farm camps so he can't farm lane + camps


      I think you need support rotations vs good SF players to make stuff happen at which point SF is usually a walking gold bag. That being said sometimes if you are smashing lane as TA the SF will still be dumb and try to stand on low ground at which point he is a free kill.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        i will do the pushing mostly with sf or storm But you need a balance plane for example 1.54 push - check rune 2.02- deny your creeps then the enemy has one and half stack of creeps (in this moment you can kill enemy with combo ) -farm them - stack 2.54 (hard camp) - farm one camp (meduim) (far)- farm and push - farm stacks (hard camp ) - push - check rune


          try to get him once you get ur 6 or ask a gank
          if u are up against me i would buy sentries and get it rid of traps in my highground and once im level 7 i can clear the waves faster than you therefore maximizing my efficiency


            related question to this (almost the same actually):

            if i'm playing mid or safelane or w/e
            how do i decide between:
            a) nuking the wave and farm jungle in between >so the enemy mid/offlaner gets creeps too but i farm faster<
            b) keeping the lane static and denying everything i can

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Hmmm pls answer question is actually pretty important

              porbably depends on your team strat and their's
              I mean like if the enemy against you just needs one or two core items to 5 man and end the game u gotta delay his farm but youre the one who needs a lot if items or a big item like bloodstone on storm it's way better to farm with nukes and rotate to jungle, ask for sup rotation ad kill mid like that. Sure u might give sf 3 waves for free but if gank is successful u got 300ish gold and sf is -200? On gold which is worth all that 3 waves (+50 tp cost)
              Also u got 3 lane waves and some jungle creeps and a kill soooo
              did i get it right ?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Also can someone list the heroes that online itemwise fast? Like with 4k gold at the start


                  depends on the hero imo
                  a.) heroes like sf u should always keep lanes pushed at all times and farm jungle in between (its super worth you aare up against a hero with no creep clearing skill eg invoker)

                  b.) for midlane heroes like qop viper tend to keep lane equi until rune spawns. when u do this ur objective is to dominate the lane
                  safelane: when u think u cant pull at 53

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    @sia u are overthinking i think a kill mid is always worth it.
                    the not worth kill is in the safelane when you kill the offlaner but you give 2 creep waves in return


                      So farm with nukes mids:


                        idk dude mathematically i gotta be right it does depend on the game tho as i said if the guy needs a certain item to start screwing ppl (i.e slark sb) u gotta delay it as much as u can it's game winning


                          For safelane always push past like level 3 or something, you force the offlaner to come to his tower this way so you get information+you can clear your jungle and get more gold. Also if you have a support you can push the wave while he pulls to deny xp from the offlaner.

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Whenever you can kill hero like SF, kill him. Death of a SF tilts a SF player a lot cause of souls, also teammates tend to hate SFers, so they can also be titled.

                            But you won't have traps on mid versus competent supports cause of sentries.