General Discussion

General Discussionis void still a good hardcarry?

is void still a good hardcarry? in General Discussion
white boy summer

    ikr it was one of the three best carries one and a half year ago, but now everyone seems to play him offlane. yeah, he doesnt have evasion but at least doesnt need 20 mins of free farm until he comes online and can work exceptionally good against morph slark and weaver pickers with a diffusal and manta


      I think a diffusal and manta does require at least 20 mins of free farm.


        A void safe carry really really depends on snowballing, but with an ogre and a mid who can scale better i can see it working. Sort of like a pos 2 in the safelane and pos 1 in the mid, maybe in an alch or dusa or jugg mid strat. I think maelstrom is better than diffusal tho, but it depends. Also why do people go manta on void if the illusions cant bash? Its only good with diffusal but they nerfed diffusal.


          Manta is required in most games as a defensive item to escape silences and in 7.00, roots. It is also used to push out lanes with illusions to secure more farm on the map.


            ^i forgot u cant diffuse urself anymore LUL


              void is a shit hc/situational offlane in this meta. His chrono just has too long of a cooldown before aghs which doesnt work in 7.xx as it has been fairly fast-paced and fight-oriented.

              Kind of the same with enigma, so i hope every last pick jungle enigma gets a brain tumor.


                ^enigma is good wtf
                He is actually useful outside blackhole


                  ^ did you totally miss out the "last pick jungle part"? I just had a game where our lowest MMR last picked him when we had no supports, so I guess that's where I am coming from. Surprisingly he was fluent in english, just braindead I guess.


                    ^ -30 mmr before the game even started #feelsgood

                    white boy summer

                      well i meant this thread as an "am vs void as hardcarry" as am is shit now, outside of manta and bf he needs a basher so that means 4v5 for 26-7 mins while void can chrono and his ranged teammates can do the job,am doesnt have such perks

                      Travi$ $cott!

                        I wouldn't suggest picking void if you can't land a good chronosphere, and that shit takes time to learn and practice, disabling them inside on the edge so your team can get in range to give the followup damage considering if you land it in 0. seconds for you jump in then position your chrono, but fuck in pubs you can't coordinate that well and you may put your own team at a disadvantage if you manage to chrono them. It's just a high risk hero, it's not as good as before you can't chrono and guarantee a kill at midgame, you probably need huge shit to kill heroes if you're going solo chrono.


                          tryna tell ppl am and slark are shit in my games from the start of the patch still ppl pick gg


                            Am is still better than void, with skadi u can replace abyssal and u can buy early helm to fight.


                              dominator is sick item


                                dominis amust on every team


                                  ye better than void but it's bad and worse why not pick lycan/ld/jug instead :/ even wk


                                    ye well still if void sees you lategame you are guaranteed dead no matter what hero you are, well possibly aside from wk.


                                      Daddy suggest skadi in am lul


                                        ^it's not that bad since skadi slow stack with his mana burn (skadi no longer attack modifier)