General Discussion

General DiscussionAccount boosters killing dota?

Account boosters killing dota? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    if you ever park your chat in local area there's always 2-3 bots a day advertising accountboosting. Not gonna give any website fame, but seriously in low 2k. It's really annoying to see boosting accoung slark or alchemist with 900+ GPM, that go 22-2 etc.. what you guys think? is it killing dota? I mean i can tolerate trolls, toxic people but at least they are trying to enjoy the game. But when people smurf, multi-account or account boosting it seriously ruins the game.

    As Chi Long Qua said, even LP games are taken more serious etc.. and are actually more enjoyable. I find it's powerless to stop bad people except to only play 2 times a day and put in your daily report?


      eventually i meet account boosters in my games, but at this level there are very few, and i wouldnt say they affect the game quality negatively; its vice versa.

      well, with one exception that is qsnake :/

      1-IceTea 🌟

        What local chat you on? I never see they advertising boosting here.
        900GPM alchemist is a joke that can easily be crush by 1K GPM TA


          maybe u just bad

          Anjeng Dimas

            Lol what 900 gpm 22-2 shit u talking about son?

            When i do smurf with someone sub 1k id, i can do 1200gpm alche or 50-0 slark lol.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^You must be bad at destroying enemies Ancient then.


                ptfo to win

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Parrot trainer fathering ostriches to win??????


                    play the fucking objective to win

                    Anjeng Dimas

                      Lol icetea and wickedgames, i said smurfing not boosting.

                      Why the fuck i want to end fast when i am smurfing with someone id? The point is to make enemies become frustated so hard they feel like quitting dota because they know they cant even play in ns.

                      I always take my time to rape them inside out upside down, then after six slotted i place a gate of hell in front of their fountain.

                      Anjeng Dimas

                        But i usually destroy 2 lanes and the other tier 3 and ranged barrack 1st, then i politely tell my team mate to back down and let me have some pleasure because i fucking carry their ass and give them easy 25 mmr.

                        Have done 7 sub 1k mmr id to 2k till now.

                        Its so frustating playing with my main id because i already dont get the fun playing with 55% win rate.


                          HAHAAA OP I THINK IPLAYED VS U