General Discussion

General DiscussionPower Thread switching

Power Thread switching in General Discussion
PDIhnya Perjuangan

    Please tech me how to switch power thread boots timing, thanks


      Ummmmm switch threads to int before you cast spells then turn it back to whatever stat you want and also switch it to agility when you are regenerating on shrines.

      PDIhnya Perjuangan

        Oh thanks dude


          switch power thread boots timing

          Explain pls


            Or you can just drop items when healing on shrine XDDD


              u get used to it str agi int
              if on str 2 times fast to int use magic then insta switch

              put treads on easy hotkey for u


                put treads on easy hotkey for u

                I usually put it on X/2nd slot
                Go find your comfort hotkey


                  it's literally muscle memory.
                  to learn muscle memory, all you have to do is have a lot of repetition.

                  play something like AM, slark or sf

                  those guys use it a lot.


                    I hear stories that you can manta on int and switch to agi before the illusions appear and thus you make agi illusions.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Switch to strength if being chased or trying to do clutch jukes with 1% HP left.

                      Switch to intelligence if using mana for anything (spells, TP, go wild man).

                      Switch to agility on ANY hero if you are regenerating, or just being idle and need 30 more mana for that Reincarnation while in lane farming.

                      The thing with remembering motions with muscle memory with situational shit is that you may do it in the wrong situations. For example, Tinker player might panic Soul Ring right after Rearm because he's done that motion millions of times before, making him die faster. If presented with many instances of optimal treads state, you'll be able to process all of them. However, due to the uniqueness of the scenarios and the changing timings of such scenarios, your fingers might trip and end up being more inefficient than being efficient.

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Wow since when tread switching become such a complicated thing D:
                        For Agi click twice
                        For Str click once for the INT


                          @johan you don't get more mana regen on agi compared with strength. no reason for wk to be on agi if wants mana for reincarnation.


                            dude... treads switch wont save you... u should learn the basics first then go to treads switch

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              @Rocket Sorry the scenario that was going on in my head was a WK recovering for both mana and HP, in which case switching to Agi would be a good choice. Nevertheless thanks for clearing that up.


                                all of u are wrong
                                he ask for thread switch not Treads switch


                                  wow that threatened me ^

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  disgusting weebs

                                    if u dont have any flat manaregen bonuses u recover mana the fastest when on INT because base mana is 50 and base regen is 0.01(5000 ratio) while 1 int gives 12 mana and 0.04 manaregen(300 ratio)

                                    if u have any flat manaregen(basi, drops, talents, bs, cm aura), u recover faster when on STR or AGI