General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape 3.8-3.9k trench

How to escape 3.8-3.9k trench in General Discussion
FOCUS 1000000000%

    I reached 4K somewhere around last year and then stopped played solo ranked and picked it up again went on a big losing streak and finally got it back upto 3.8 ish, now Im stuck honestly idk what to do,should I main carry or mid for now I mostly pick what the team needs, can anyone recommend me a specific role I should play based on my previous games or a specific hero that would be really helpful

    Pale Mannie






          Giff me Wingman






                  mods lost hope they dont even care anymore xD


                    jungle ursa gets you out

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^Wow this guy is stalking meeeeeee.
                      What he said is true,pick jungler


                        this is where scrubs + account buyers meet support early carry late >silencer such hero would be good


                          @LichKing yeah I'm also currently at the same situation like you I was able to reach 4k on late January or was it early February can't remember then I fell up to 3.6k mmr hahaha now I'm slowly but surely climbing up again, just persevere man GL.

                          Player 153433446

                            At this tier there is always a mid or safelane carry...i mean any fool can farm in safelane

                            What I'm getting at is that the key to increase mmr at this level is to solo offlane. It takes a good player to solo offlane and not feed enemy carry.

                            Learn to offlane with faceless void or bb or timber.

                            Push that fucking mmr bro


                              @1-IceTea Wow 300+ games Ursa with 59+% win rate is very impressive

                              fear is the mind killer

                                there's no trench


                                  ^ there is just your skill bracket and cognitive bias


                                    Also jungling is a terrible advice it can work in some situations where their team don't punish you for it, but you are just literally hoping that either a) your team outplays them in laning stage b) they don't capitalize too hard, either of which puts unnecessary uncertainty in the game.

                                    If you actually do wanna grind tho I would suggest you actually go offlane/mid. But there really isn't an ez route. I went from 3.8 to 4.9 in 2 months i think by spamming these two roles.

                                    2 practical advices I'd give:
                                    1) Bind your map to the keys and always carry a tp--> so say use F1, F2, F3 for T1s at each lane and once you see someone overextend you can punish them easily (and let's be honest in 3k-4k people do that way too often)
                                    2) Try to get teamfight presence heroes, preferably the ones that can fight often and aren't too dependable on a big cd (Like void)
                                    and itemize in a way that benefits your team--> I can't stress how many games I won by rushing greaves and then just steamrolling over their team before min 20
                                    3) use your powerspike, identify when you and your team can fight and capitalize on that
                                    4) oh and for god's sake use vc and NEVER fucking go "WHERE'S MIA" <--- that's up to you to check the map

                                    good luck

                                    p.s. in retrospect I should have just said GIT GUD


                                      Borderline 4k is much worse but I'd just pick necro support and if your carry ends up being ass then go semi carry and win the game

                                      Impulsive 3k addict.

                                        All of soloq is a trench.

                                        also jdf8

                                          pick mid every game and shit on noobs ez ez