General Discussion

General Discussionany advice to win?

any advice to win? in General Discussion

    right now I want to spam puck every game I try my best always had a good
    record but damn I can't afford to sure win

    Cancer Malaria

      Continue on playing Puck


        watch waga


          Destroy enemy ancient


            this is the prob with puck :( can't push fast on my own my team always suck


              have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

              é sério po

                Go for objectives and don't dive for no reason


                  don't lose


                    Destroy enemie ancient . - Cookie 2017 NE


                      ^ that doesnt seem to work for his 7k grind


                        cookie vadi prosek ovom threadu


                          Try learning multiple puck roles, mid, offlane, dual lane and try different builds, learn who and what counters you then when you run into them buy the items and play the necessary style to counter their counter. Also make suggestions in pick stage. People are noting that puck can't push so maybe ask for a pushing hero.

                          Edit - Forgot to conclude puck is definately a hero if you learn and master that you can grind wins and gain mmr with.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            ^ye except u basically only scale dmg late game with a shitton of items. A puck sucks from behind. He has no dmg lategame without dagon and maybe even an eblade and/or veil.


                              i won 5 out of 14 games today woooooo

                              disgusting weebs

                                i won 6

                                out of 22