General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 2k, make smurf and recalibrate?

Stuck in 2k, make smurf and recalibrate? in General Discussion

    So, as you can read from the title, my mmr is currently 2.6k and i do keep winning games. The problem is that I don`t want to waste all my time playing in this bracket, because the teammates i get thinks it`s a good idea to: Buy blink dagger> Brown boots> Moonshard on legion commander in the offlane. or split pushing alone as sand king while the rest of the team is pushing the bottom tier 2 and thus losing us the game.

    I usually play pretty good in the 3-4k bracket with my friend who`s 4k

    what`s your opinion on this, check my profile out and see if i should recalibrate on a new account or play my way to the mmr i desire.


      I say just grind it out the game is more enjoyable when you're winning anyways. my ranked win rate is over 60% and I'm about the same mmr as you. Smurfing requires like 150 games of cancer before calibrating anyways.


        you suck, recalabrating wont increase your skill noob


          Comes from the fucking riki player^^


            smurf is only if you want to play unranked games against higher skill players with hopes of improving. in the end it sthe same if you play your main or you recalibrate. if you cant climb 2k, you wont be able to climb 3k either.


              i would suggest u play this account and since you said you kept winning, you should stick with it.

              if u open smurf, it will take 120 matches before you can play rank, and if you spend that 120 on this current account, supposedly if you keep winning, say if you win 80/120 matches, you would gain at least 1k mmr, and that would be at least 3.7k for you, if you do better than 67% winrate, you would get close to 4k on it.

              if you keep playing ranked on this account, chances are that you will improve and learn better compared to when you play smurf and 120 matches on unranked.

              so think twice.

              if you are good, you will rise, there is no need for smurfs.


                no need to smurf
                protip:learn tinker

                Bill Cutting

                  Smurfing is not good honestly, u will spam your best hero and get into higher games but in the end u will prob drop back to where u should be.

                  I'm telling u from someone that has done this, not from someone trying to flame u.

                  Mike Ehrmantraut Gaming

                    I would really recommend sticking with it. I didn't play very much ranked at all, since I was demotivated when I calibrated at 1.5k ( I was new). However, I recently got a lot of mmr, and even if you only play a couple games per day you'd be surprised about how quickly you rise.


                      Go stick
                      Playing 120 pub games no matter the bracket just to recalibrate is stupid


                        Frank with the legit advice. When I play with 3-4k friends I've felt like I do ok to keep up. But the truth is your presence in the game probably just makes it hard for them to win games and it comes down to ur game impact compared to the other scrub in the other team. Your 4k friend is doing all the heavy lifting and you have no clue how to win those games. Start by trying to win your 2k games.


                          Apoop :thinking:


                            I don't think remaking as a smurf is for you. I'd say stick it through,

                            Recently I made a smurf so that I could play carry some more (as I support on this account, my main one). So what I'm saying is, if you make a smurf play only support (or carry if your a support player originally) Sometimes it's nice to take a step into another role and mix it up.

                            And if you do decide to make an alternate account that is only support, if that account were to calibrate much higher than your original, don't switch to carry just keep it as a support only account. Perhaps you're a better support than carry.

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              Grind mmr, trust me, it's better that way


                                i was stuck at 1.9k mmr solo and just recalibrated on a new account with 3.1k mmr and it would be consider about the same amount of games played because dota is a 50% game

                                Ave with an internet pfp

                                  If you wanted to get out from there , You needed to gitgud .


                                    Definitely continue playing on your main account. There's a lot more satisfaction that comes from climbing all the way up

                                    - kid who calibrated at 2.3k and am currently 4.7k


                                      Play smurf and you wont be tilted any games


                                        Play smurf and you wont be tilted any games



                                          stuck = u dont deserve more


                                            ^ What he said.


                                              Smurf games are also the most toxic games. It truly isnt worth the headache .


                                                When I first started playing Dota 2, I was orginally recalibrated in the 2000-2200 MMR mark, but while playing the game more and more: you will improve on your shortcomings as a support/mid/offlaner/carry by playing more games and familiarizing yourself with the game, as summer of 2016 I finally decided to touch MMR, and in less than 1-2 weeks I managed to climbed my way up to 3745 MMR as of now. My suggestion would be to keep this account and keep on playing, improve your playstyle and grind that MMR.

                                                better than you

                                                  If you think you deserve better, go and buy a TBD account for $6.6. The hidden mmr is 2.2k. I bought this account from there.


                                                    grind it