KotL can be, but Undying isn't as much.
Pretty solid supports you could spam effectively are wraith king, omni, cm, silencer, ogre, pudge, venge, and lich
I actually ran into the craziest support silencer last night. Check him out. He's got a 90% winrate on him this month
Dazzle, majority of your games you'll have a Physical Damage Based team, Dazzle let's you take advantage of that.
Also if you're in lower MMR picking Dazzle will somehow convince the enemy team to pick Axe. Which is a free win for Dazzle.
I would say Lich and Shadow Shaman.
Teamfight Ult and Push Ult.
Both good to harass and zoning out.
Thats what my 2k Brain tells me.
And Dazzle ofc.
Probably ogre cuz u can fp it into almost every single line up against almost every single line up
thanks for the suggestions, i decided to use silencer main with undying situational and dazzle when i play with a carry thats going to be saved
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Is kotl/undying one of em